John Cross Walker.

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John Cross Walker was born on November 7th, 1997.
John only had 2 brothers and his mother growing up, his brothers being Max Walker and Jack Walker.
When John was 13 years old he started to see things no one else could. Weird creatures and people that he hadn't met before.
There was a certain man he saw one out the window while taking the train home. The man smiled at him and waved. He didnt look right... Yes he had a normal look to him in general, black curly hair, very built, etc.... But he had pure white milky eyes, as if he was from a horror movie and he rolled his eyes in the back of his head.
When he got home that night he sat at the dinner table with his small family. His brother, Max asked if they had a father when it got silent.
Mother looked up at him and nodded her head with a smile. She proceeded to tell them about their father.
Apparently their father was in the war and he was killed.
"Oh! I saw daddy when I was on the train momma!"
His mother looked at him confused.
"JJ, what are you talking about your father is dead. "
Then he described excatly was their father looked like to them.
He had never seen an image of their father, none of the boys did.
After that dinner, she started to take note of what Johnny acted like.
How some times a day he'd look to the left or right of him and smile at nothing.
Or sometimes he'd talk to himself...
When John turned 14 she took him to the doctor.
He was diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

His mother was already struggling with the bills and now she had to handle John's sickness.

At school, John had a friend named Ethan who was the only friend he had. He loved him dearly...
And three years after knowing Ethan John started to think Ethan was against him....

John didn't want to think that, since he knows the real ethan! Ethan wouldn't ever be bad! So he took more than what he was supposed to on his pill dose.
He got a bit too much of a high...
By that I mean he grew addicted. He wrote a note for the doctor acting likr his mother to up the dose.
John wasn't the same anymore. He wasnt that happy, curious boy he once was. He was now an obsessed teen, only wanting more and more. Ethan tried to save him... but he couldn't...
And he got hurt...
John started to get popular for the shit he did to Ethan. He met a kid named Tyler Johnson, who was needing money. John got a sick, amd fucked up idea....
He stole from his mother's bank account and paid Tyler to rape Ethan.
He wasnt just going off public humiliation anymore...
Once John got out of school, he moved in with his brother, Jack.
Jack and him were always close. So Jack was fine with it.
Jack knew about the pills, so he took them  and lowered his dose before he would take the whole damn thing and have an overdose.
John didnt like this at all but he couldn't do anything about it.

2020, when John was 22, Jack ended up doing something horrific... and he came to the cops and told them that John, who already was wanted, that he did the crimes....
John didn't try to say not guilty, didnt try to fight,
He knew where his place was...

And can you guess where HE stands?

He aint at the bottom in his mind I'll tell you that much.
He's at the top. He isnt prey, he is predator.
He showed his dominance. His dominance being when he hurt his best friend. He's the king.

The Broken King. 
His crown has long lost it's shine. It's now black like his heart. (Yay for dark edgy teen sayings AM I RIGHT-)

John isn't under a category.
John is under his own.
He's the sick, twisted, king.
He's what you have nightmares about.
He will destroy your dreams.
He's the bad guy.


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