Little Mummy's Boy

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I love my mother. She was always there for me when I needed her most. Her loving embrace was like no other.

She used to tell me all the time about how proud she was of me. I was always the best in my science classes during my school years. I remember when my name would be called during the award ceremonies, I'd peer into the crowd and look for her. The lights were so bright I could barely make anyone out, but I'd always find her. Smiling, waving and clapping for me.

Sometimes I would get bad dreams. I'd wake up in a puddle of my sweat, screaming out for her. She would always come. She'd hold me in her arms until I stopped crying. One time I went to a school camp and I had a bad dream. Just like at home, I woke up and cried out for her, but this time she didn't come. The other boys laughed at me. Since then I was known as Little Mummy's Boy.

I never moved away from home. I didn't want to move away from her, and she didn't want me to move either. I stayed with her until we first learned about her...illness. I knew that there wasn't a known cure for her. Her death was imminent. When the doctors told me that they wouldn't be able to save her, I felt so helpless. Her last words to me were, "Don't be afraid, you can do anything if you put your mind to it, never give up and I'll always be with you, in spirit, in your heart." That wasn't good enough! I wanted her here! I wanted her with me in person, not in spirit! I never wanted to leave her again.

After she passed I told the hospital I wanted her body for a private burial. That was a lie. I took her home with me and worked tirelessly day and night searching for a way to bring her back. Her final words to me spun around in my head. I could do anything if I put my mind to it. Never give up.

After many days and nights, I've done it. I've placed a small computer module in her back to control her limbs and tendons and a set of bellows in her chest so she can breathe and talk. It's so wonderful to hear her sweet voice again. She's here with me now, sitting in her armchair, asleep in front of the television, just like she used to.

I know she's still proud of me. I'm her Little Mummy's Boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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