Rinse & Repeat

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Look at them. Just look at them. Breaking bread, sharing their days, their lives, drinking and laughing the night away. Enjoy it while you can. It could all be over before you know it.

I used to be one of you. Work all week, party and the weekend, rinse and repeat.

Rinse and repeat. That's how I liked to live my life when I was like you. I used to do the same things at my 9-5 job, eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner, go to the same bars and clubs on the weekends. It was the same thing over and over, day after day.

That one night was when I broke my routine and look where it got me. It was a Friday night my mates and I were going to have a night out. I made sure that I planned everything on the same night, with the same meal, at the same bar and with same drinks. My friend suggested we go somewhere else. Somewhere we've never been before. I was reluctant, of course, but eventually I caved.

We ended up going to a pub that looked pretty rough from the outside. I tried telling my friend I didn't want to. It wasn't my routine, but he wouldn't have it. So we went in. A few hours later I accidentally spilled my drink on a guy's chest. I remember him lashing out. I remember a sharp pain plunging deep into my stomach.

I don't remember anything after that. It's all a nauseating blur. I must not have made it to the morning. I used to think about what would happen after I die. Re-incarnating into a bird never crossed my mind. It's not all bad though. At least I can be left to my routine. I check in on my family now and then. It's good to see they're still functioning and living their routines. I hate to see them so sad though. I wish I could speak to them.

Look at them. Just look at them. Breaking bread, sharing their days, their lives, drinking and laughing the night away. Enjoy it while you can. It could all be over before you know it.

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