Timely Review

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Lincoln: My brain, come on in, have a seat.

Leni (Brain): Thanks. So what's the issue?

Lincoln: Just wanna go over some things. Do you remember that thoughtful conversation I had with my mother the other day?

Leni (Brain): Of course I remember.

Lincoln: Yeah, that was actually... three weeks ago.

Leni (Brain): What? That long ago.

Lincoln: Mmm-hmm.

Leni (Brain): I'm confused, wasn't that after your birthday?

Lincoln: My birthday was.. over 2 months ago.

Leni (Brain): Are you kidding me? Is that a calendar?

Lincoln: And this is why I called you in. Your difficulties with processing time is starting to worry me.

Leni (Brain): B-But, I- I'm getting better at other things, right? Y'know, it's been forever since you forgot to dry your laundry.

Lincoln: ....That was yesterday.

Leni (Brain): DANG IT!

The Loud House: Thomas Sanders VinesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon