Guns N Roses: Returning to Lafayette

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A Mini Gn'R related-story

PLUNK! Axl Rose looked up from the story book he was reading. Axi Rose looked up as well.

"Wat's tat?"

"Dunno son," Axl answered. Before he could answer the door his silent-on-stage friend Izzy Stradlin was at the door. Deciding it wasn't important Axl and Axi turned their heads back to the book. A toddler Axi's age with short black hair crawled over and, after hesitating for a few moments, rested his head on Axl's other leg since Axi was glued to the left leg. Axl smiled down at Izzy Jr before continuing the story.

"Fuck," The trio looked up at Izzy, who was slamming the door and clutching a letter.

"What's up Izz?" Axl asked. He gently pried himself away from the two toddlers and stood up. The two toddlers stared blankly at the book. They couldn't read but they liked the pictures.

"This...this bullshit,"

"What?" Axl asked. Wordlessly Izzy held up the letter. Axl didn't recognize the handwriting. It said on it though To Mister Bill Bailey and  Mister Jeffery Isbell. In the left hand corner the sender's name was scratched out but not the city.

Lafayette, Indiana.

Axl felt cold. Very cold as if somebody dumped a bucket of ice on him.

"Stu or Amy probably sent it. Or Joe," Izzy said slowly. "Stephen's still probably pissed at you and....."

"And your parents still probably think you're hiding somewhere in Indiana," Axl said, the ghost of a smile on his face. Izzy smiled faintly too.

"Have you written to Stu and Amy?"

"No. I've been wanting to mail my letters to them but...." Izzy understood. He always has. Even though Steven, Duff, and Slash knew what happened Izzy actually (And rather sadly) is the one who had witnessed the abuse of Axl's stepfather towards him.

"I've written to Joe. And..." Izzy said with a sly smile. "I may or may not have had him send a couple of your letters to Stu and Amy," Axl's face brightened into a grin and he hugged Izzy. Izzy chuckled softly.

" it," Axl said after letting go of Izzy. The two sat down on the ground. At once Axi crawled into Axl's lap and made himself comfortable. Izzy Jr didn't move. His eyes darted up as he saw his father move. Izzy glanced at him and Izzy Jr looked down. Izzy silently looked back to the envelope.

"Hey Izz shouldn't you invite your son over...?"

"Nah Ax he looks comfy there,"

"Izzy," Axl said in a scolding tone. Izzy rolled his eyes. Izzy Jr looked up again. This time Izzy smiled at him. Though he still couldn't make himself feel fatherly Izzy Jr grinned. Seconds later bother toddlers were relaxed in their fathers' laps.

"Dear Jeff and Bill," the two adults read aloud together. "We have heard rumors about a band called Guns N Roses. We're going to suppose you two are in it because it just sounds like something you two would call your band. We have also heard about the possibility of kids running around with you guys," The two smiled a little.

"You guys should visit us so we can see the kids..." Izzy looked to Axl. The redhead was silently finishing up the letter. His face was emotionless. Izzy glanced at the remainder of the letter; it was only about when they could visit without Mr. Bailey knowing.

"Should we go?" Izzy asked the singer as Axl tossed the letter aside. Axl hesitated.

"I dunno...wasn't the whole point of us leaving Lafayette was to get away from that Hell?" Axl asked. Izzy shrugged his shoulders. He didn't hate Indiana as much as the redhead did. Then again Axl had true reasons to run away like he did and the rhythm guitarist didn't blame him.

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