Part Two

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Axl Rose was sick with pure terror.

He couldn't believe he was honest-to-God going home. No- Lafayette wasn't home. It never was.

Being with Izzy on the other hand was home.

He hated himself and was so confused. When Izzy was around Axl felt safe and loved. This feeling Axl reckons is love always fills him whenever he sees Izzy.

But Axl didn't want to feel that way. Especially with Izzy. A goddamn man.

During the drive Izzy fell asleep. Not that Axl minded. It gave him time to think. And hopefully sort his feelings out.

I'm not a faggot...I don't even like guys like that....not to mention I can't stand gay guys flirting with me...Hell I can't stand any guy flirting with me...Izzy isn't gay though. He's into chicks. He used to flirt with them all the time back at Jefferson High School. So why do I feel this way with Izz? I mean I don't want to not feel this way but...oh fuck.

He gave a shaky sigh. Then he jerked back into his seat as he accidentally ran into a pothole.

"Oh fuck," He whispered softly as Axi and Izzy Jr gave a startled, sleepy cry. Izzy jerked backwards and his eyes flew open.

"Oh...I fell asleep didn't I?" Izzy asked sheepishly. Axl gave him a tiny smile.

"It's cool Izz. I'm quiet used to talking to the shadows..."

"Now I feel awful," Izzy groaned softly. The two toddlers cried weakly. Izzy looked worriedly at them. "They don't sound too good Ax..."

Against his own desires Axl pulled over in a truck stop. The two unbuckled and climbed into the back seats with their sons.

Upon seeing his dad Axi calm down a bit. Izzy Jr continued to cry weakly. Izzy got him out of the car seat and held him.

"I think they're just surprised is all..." Axl whispered softly as Izzy Jr's cries subsided.

"Guess so..." Izzy muttered as the two toddlers drifted off to sleep. The two adults carefully strapped the boys back in. Then they got out of the car to stretch their legs. Already they had spent four hours into the trip and they weren't even halfway there. Axl and Izzy leaned side-by-side against the car.

"Hey Izz..." Axl began worriedly. Izzy looked at him and smiled. Axl swallowed back his disgust with himself and continued. "I-I was it..." Oh come on! Izzy's been my best friend forever! I sincerely doubt he'll judge me! " wanna drive?" He finished lamely. Izzy's smile vanished.

"Oh...that's what you wanted to say." Izzy said, sounding....disappointed? Before Axl could say more Izzy said quickly, "I-I mean yeah of course I'll drive now. You must be exhausted." Axl said nothing as he surrendered the keys to Izzy. Izzy took them. For a moment Izzy held Axl's hand. Axl's cheeks lit with the intense heat of a fire as Izzy brought his face close to Axl's, their lips inches away from each other.

"I'm going to keep you safe. I promise. Even if it fucking kills me," Izzy whispered. He pulled away from the singer and got in. Axl got in as well, feeling...conflicted. He was relived that Izzy didn't kiss him yet saddened. But why?! I'm not gay! I wasn't even expecting Izzy to kiss me!

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