Chapter 1 Apocalypse

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Hi. I'm Morgan. I'm 12 years old trying to survive the apocalypse. Yep 12 years old with no one to protect and help me. I do have an older brother but he's lost to me. I dont know where he is or if hes even alive!

If he cared he would have tried to contact me in some way or fashion. Surprise surprise! I haven't heard from him since he graduated from college. I can definitely feel the love don't you think? I'm currently hiding in the woods near a decent sized city.

If anyone does see me that knows me, it'll take a minute to recognize me since this all started. I buzzed me hair to a half-buzzed hair flip and died it to an odd galaxy purple color.  Now that you know me a bit its time to explain everything. So here we go.

I sit near the base of a tree in the woods I'm in. I doubt anyone expected me to last this long but I have. I'm good with a gun, to no surprise since my dad was a hunter, and I find loads of supplies and backpacks with ammo and stuff in them.

I plan to enter a nearby city tomorrow but I'm still tired after running nonstop for the past 6 hours. Should I keep moving or just rest here? Do walkers climb trees or stay on the ground? I'm gonna assume they dont climb trees. Well here we go hope I dont die in my sleep!

I stand up and climb up the rough bark of the giant oak tree. The city wasn't far off from the edge of the woods I am currently hiding in. Why do I bother trying to find Nick's stupid ass?! Maybe it's because deep down I still love him. Urgh stupid family blood thing whatever!

I soon doze off into a restless sleep. When I wake up and look down I see the tree I'm in is surrounded by walkers just staring up at me. Guess I was right that they dont climb. To bad I'm still surrounded. I look around for some kind of escape.

Before I can plan much further a gunshot sounds from the nearby city. I turn my head sharply, startled by the sudden sound. However the sudden action knocks off my balance and I start to slip off my branch. "AH!" I desperately try to hang onto the branch but I only can keep one hand on the sturdy branch the rest of my body dangling over the heads of walkers.

"Crap! Someone?! Anyone! Help me please!" I can feel my grip slowly fail me. I kick my feet and hit a few walkers but once one is dead it seems 3 more replace it! "Damn it! How many of you are there?! I swear you are just popping out like fricking rabbits!"

As I'm close to falling, the sound of rapid gunahots ring out and the walkers below me slowly thins out. I pull a small pistol out of my pocket and shoot some of them. "Kid watch where you shoot! You almost hit me!" I swear if he doesnt see my position in gonna kill him.

"Sorry I'm trying to hang on for dear Damn life and not be walker food!" I drop the pistol since that was my last round in it. "You can jump now they're all dead. Did you mean to drop the gun?" I quickly drop and land on my feet. "Nah dip shit-head it doesnt have anymore bullets!" I turn around but to my surprise the dude was still closer to the city than the tree I was just in.

"Kid if ya dont mind me asking,why were you in a tree above a gang of walkers?" In my opinion he looked like an owl that turned into a human. (P.s. it's ghetto!) "I slept in the tree last night and woke up with them all around the tree, but I heard a gunshot so when I turned to look I lost my balance and botta boom botta Bing here we are." I said easily towards the end.

The guy just stared at me kinda surprised. "How old are you? I'm shocked at how easily you could use that pistol and the fact you cussed me out earlier." He asked me still staring. I rolled my eyes at this dude. " 1st I'm 12. 2nd There's nobody to tell me not to. And 3rd QUIT STARING YOU CREEP!" I shouted clearly annoyed.

That seemed to snap him out of it. "Sorry anyways I'm Ghetto may I know your name?" I snorted at his attempt of friendly conversation. "Morgan, you jack-wagon now leave me alone. I'm busy trying to survive to the CDC. Good-bye." I turned trting to walk away but he grabbed my shoulder stopping me. "Kid did you say the CDC?! That's where my group is headed! Just join us and you wont have any trouble."

"Ha! As if! I've heard the trouble you have with Red! Also sorry about that kid. Who was it? Jordan? If that is gonna happen again I don't wanna be a target so yeah!" Oh man his face when I mentioned Jordan. "H-how did you?!" "Red's men like to gossip pretty loudly they only mentioned that name so it seemed obvious that you were there. Sorry if it was to much for you."

And with that I left him near the tree. From what I heard after I left 2 other guys joined him. 1 of them sounded really familiar but I shook it off. When I see Nick again he will wish he had tried to contact me sooner.

Ghetto's pov

After the kid left Nick and Shark ran up. "Ghetto there you are! Shark and I were worried about you! What are you staring at?" I shook my head still confused. "Some 12 year old knew about what happened with Red and Jordan. Said she heard it From his men." My hands clenched into fists just trying to keep from crying.

I finally noticed her gun on the ground somewhat covered in leaves. I bent over and picked it up. "She dropped this maybe we can get prints or something?" Nick and Shark stared at me like I was crazy. "Wait. Did she say her name? Or where she was going?" I nodded even though I was half out of it. "Yeah but I don't remember what it was started with an m. Heading to the CDC."

"Why didn't you offer to bring her with us?! She just walked off and who knows what Red will do if he finds her!" "Hey I did offer but she legit declined and brought up Jordan!" I defended myself from Nick and Shark.

Nick seemed to be trying to put a puzzle together that didn't match. "Nick dont break your brain over there." I joked as we walked back to the city. "Sorry it's just ............ I have a sister and your description reminded me of her. Haven't seen her since she was 8. Doubt she made it though"

"According to Ghetto that girl was 12. So how long has it been if she was 8? Think about it Nick it may have been her!" They continued to argue back and forth. "Nick. What was your sister's name?" I asked suddenly cutting them off.

"Morgan. She has bright red hair with brown eyes. Last I saw her anyways. Which was at my college graduation. Loved purple, galaxy purple if I'm right said she would dye her hair that way someday. To me though she was perfect without dyed hair but she is who she is." I couldn't help but stare at him. He never told us any of this.

"I-I think it was her in the woods. Galaxy purple hair with brown eyes. She was also cursing like a sailor." "Ghetto tell me your joking! It's impossible that she is only a few miles away from our base!" I shook my head. "I'm serious Nick. It had to be her. She even said "There's nobody to tell me not to." When I asked her if she meant to cuss me out."

Nick looked like he was about to pass out but by then we were at base. "Nick go lay down. You look like you saw a ghost." Shark said in concern. He nodded and left to his room. "Shark, if it was her then we need to find her now more than ever." "I couldn't agree more Ghetto but she wont go peacefully." "Who wont go peacefully?"

"AK! Apparently Nick has a sister and Ghetto may have spoke with her." AK had the same look as Nick earlier. "I saw her also but she was asleep in a tree. I was on the night patrol but didnt bother her. But that doesnt mean it was her. Even if it was she is probably long gone by now."

"*sigh* You're right AK but if we dont find Nick's sister he might get to distracted and not focus on missions. According to Ghetto she is heading to the CDC. I think we should still go to Washington first then go from there." "Yeah who knows. We may run into her along the way." "We can only hope. We can only hope."

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