2 >Let me Go!<

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Morgan's POV

Like I would just walk away from them. I followed them from a distance to their base. I realized who the one that was familiar earlier was. Nick. His stupid ass apparently never told his friends about me. Hmph go figures.

After they went inside I left a note with a brief message hoping Nick would realize I'm ok. After I left their base I went to the nearby buildings for some supplies. In one store I found a wooden bat that was in mint condition. Yay for me I personally prefer melee weapons because they are silent and I like to be close to my enemies.

I guess I was being watched because I felt the hairs on my neck stick up. In response I turned around holding up my new bat. Nobody stood there though so I was seriously confused. However I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and I collapsed to the floor. Before I passed out I could hear shouts and laughter then it all faded out.

Nick's POV

The next morning me and shark plannes to go get some more supplies since we were low on food. As we walked out of base, I heard a slight crackle and looked down to see a piece of paper. As I opened the note my eyes widened to saucers.

Try to mesage me some how I miss ya. Yep ive survived but I'm not the typical 12 year old I should be. I had to change but I'm still my unique person. Meet me at the store near the base at 1:30.

There wasnt a signature but I recognized the writing as Morgan's. However the last sentence seemed to be slightly different and pressed deeper into the paper. "Hey Shark lets head to the general store first."

"Fine but dont get mad when we dont find anything."

"Whatever that was just the one time." We headed over but as we walked in we saw a crumpled shape on floor with Red not to far behind. "WTH Red?!"

"Heh Nick see you got the message. Why waste paper when she already left one?" He asked nodding to the figure on the floor. Suddenly everything clicked and Red started laughing. "GIVE US MORGAN! DONT YOU DARE HURT HER!"

"Why would I hurt her? She already brought me what I needed."

"Why you-!" I pulled out my ak-47 ready to shoot his ass. "Nick stop. If you shoot you might hit her! Dont risk it. We'll think of something."

"But he- she- urgh!" I exclaimed irritated. Shark placed his hand on my shoulder but by then I noticed that Morgan was peeking up over her arm trying to not be noticed by Red. Her eyes widened when she saw me though.

Morgan's POV

I couldnt believe that Nick was actually in front of me. I suddenly realized my situation, Red behind me using me as a bargaining chip, Nick and some dude with sunglasses in front of me guns out, and me in the middle acting unconscious.

Crap Red freaking used me didn't he?! Damn it. Wait my new bat! I clutched the handle tightly pulling it to me slightly. C'mon just a bit closer idiots. One of his men stepped closer to me and I, without hesitation, smacked his knees with the bat giving myself away.

"AHHHHHH!" Yes my mark did it! I quickly sprang up and ran towards the exit. I could hear footsteps behind me but before I could attack Nick yelled "Keep going Morgan! Red is close behind!" I listened and ran to their base taking multiple alleyways.

After a while I made it to their base. I didnt know if they were there or not but I didnt ponder long because I was pulled in quickly and the door shut behind me. " Morgan! Holy crap I cant believe it!" Nick yelled as he pulled me into a hug. I pushed him off holding him at a distance with my bat.

"First you leave for four years, then you don't talk to me for months, dont try to look for me during the APOCALYPSE, and now you wanna act like a brother to me?! Yeah I dont think so!" I say angrily I could tell he was hurt but I didnt care at the moment.

"Morgan I-"

"No Nick. I'm not listening to another flicking excuse. And you dont get to call me Morgan. To you I'm Star." I said pointing to the Star on my teal blue sweater. I was pissed off that he wanted to act like nothing happened between us when he left me for years without calling.

"Mor- Star I'm sorry ok?! I get I wasnt the best brother but still what about your note? It said you missed me but now you do this?!"

"The note I left said I was alive but nothing else you jackwagon! Ugh! Wait........ Why is the left side all dark?!"

By then the other three had walked in to hear me say that. The one with an odd mask rushed over to me and inspected my eye. "There seems to be a hole punctured into your eye. Damn it we cant fix it. But if we dont cover it with something then it could get infected."

I ripped off a strip of my jeans and tied it over my eye. I'll fnd an eye patch later. "I'll stay tonight but tomorrow I'm gone. Night whatever your names are." I walked out of the room with a huff.

I didn't plan to stay all night. They couldnt stop me from leaving.

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