Chapter 3 Night escape

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Morgan's POV

I had slept for about an hour or so. I may have been unconscious but that didnt count as sleep. So I need to get some decent sleep so that I dont collapse somewhere close by.

I silently crept out of the room I was in to the kitchen to grab some food. I had my backpack with me with just enough room for some fruit and a bit of meat. Once I had enough, I looked for the nearest window. To my dismay I saw no windows where I stood. 

I quickly hurried up the stairs back to my room. Thankfully there was a window. I opened it up but before I could climb out my door opened to reveal the dude with sunglasses.

"Where you going? Nick will be crushed you know."

"I'm sorry. I just dont like to be near people especially people I feel betrayed by."

"I get it but at least give him a proper goodbye?"

"A note. That's all but I wont give it to him. You will. If he sees me he'll try to convince me otherwise."

"Deal. Try not to make it to harsh."

"No promises but I promise to see ya in DC."

He nodded and walked out but I assumed he would stay close by so I could give him the note. I slid it under the door and climbed out the window. I dropped to the ground and walked away my bat close to my side.

Try to find me Red. I'm waiting. When we meet again my bat will be red with blood. You dont scare me now. Not you or walkers or anything else. I'm ready.

Shark's POV

Morgan wasn't joking then. She actually wrote a note and wanted me to deliver it! Wow. I walked to Nick's room and peeked in. Surprisingly he was up and pacing his room.

"Nick you good buddy?"

"Shark! Uh yeah I'm fine just I finally found Morgan but she is gonna leave tomorrow." I winced visibly but quickly recovered but of course Nick saw.

"Shark. What is it?"

"This. It was in front of her door when I walked passed."

"Let me see?"

I handed him the note I had read it before but he decided to read it out loud.


I'm going my own way. Dont follow me. Especially you Nick. I'll avoid red as long as you do. Oh tell Ghetto I snuck his fricking peaches. To bad so sad. I'll see you in Washington. Prove to me Nick you still care. If I see you run to the White house I'll know you do. If you walk...... I'm sorry you dont love me.


Nick stared at the note, I'm assuming to see if he read it correctly. "Nick she made her mind up dont let her leave be what stops you. We'll see her again. Just rest so we can head out."

He nodded sadly and we both went to sleep.


The next morning we packed all our stuff and headed out. AK would give directions every so often while Ghetto would make fun of him. Nick seemed out of it but I knew why.

Only I knew why Morgan actually left. I had a feeling she would be safe but I dont know why. I guess it just a gut feeling.

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