Story one: Cheater cheater

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Ok so this is my first try doing this jornal thing so if it is good, please comment, tell me what I can do better, and If you like it vote.  So yeah, and if you have an idea put in the comments under, I LIKE THIS IDEA, and I will do a jounal on that.  SO yeah  thankssss.

The radio blasted as loud as it could go.  It made the room shudder, my ears screamed for more.  I reached for the volume, a hand caught my arm as I grasped the volume. 

My jaw dropped, my dad looked at me then the radio.  He dropped my arm, and turned off my radio.  I sighed, I guess today was the day we were to meet his girl friend.  The one he has had forever but we never meet.  I never really liked her all that much from what I could tell it was her fault mom and him were divorced.  She was cheating on her husband with my father, who was cheating on my mom.  It made me angry.

"She's here then?" I made she sound like the worst thing in the world. My voice was full of malevolince, I could here it. 

"She, her name is actully sarah, is here."  He looked at me, like I was expected to meet the slut.  It's good she got a sluts name.  I hated her already, so, so much.  I slowly walked down the stairs, she had two kids with her, they looked alike.  My sister wandered out of her room, she looked kind of angry too. 

"So you are the slut I've been hearing about?"  I said, repressing a laugh, my sister let out her screachy laugh.   My dad glared at us, the lady looked shocked.

"Ummmm, my mom is not a slut." The girl next to her said, she had green eyes and the uglyest shade of brown hair.  Her nose was crooked, like some one had broken it before. 

"No one was talking to you concited nitwit."  I retorted.  She just looked at me, like I  was speaking in a different language. 

"How do you know my sister is concited?"  He looked at me curiously, I think I'll get along fine with him.  He didn't even at the nitwit part, he knew she was.

"She just looks like it, she also looks like a Jordan." I stated, there was just a way that Jordans acted, they were backstabbers, and beoches, and stupid.

"Don't talk to Jordan like that, she will be sharing a room with you and I don't want you to say another word."  My dad was turning red like a tomato, he was trying to keep his temper. 

My sister stared at me, she mouthed good one.  I smiled, I was good at reading people, and evesdropping.  I pointed at the door and she nodded, we got up and walked out.  When we got to the hallway we booked it up the stairs.  We ran in to my room and slammed down on the bed, it shook. 

I reached for the radio, my sister shook her head.  We sat there for a minute before she spoke, "I think that I don't like her daughter, Jordan, She is stupid."  My sister and I were twins,  I always knew what she was thinking, and she knew what I was thinking.  If we let eachother, we had a place we could meet, even if it wasn't phisicaly.  We had a bond, more of a bond than most twins.

"I know she's stupid, but she won't learn, I've tried to teach her..."  The door opened, it was the boy. He had a pretty shade of brown, and some reddish streaks.  He also had green eyes. 

"Oh, I didn't know you were there, I'm sorry."  I blushed, I never really apoligised to people.  But no one ever really bothered me, I was more of an outcast.  I wear lots of black, I mean I didn't used to, but I like black.  It's my favoite color, or just one of them.  I really do love neon colors, but I don't wear them anymore.

"It's ok, I don't like my mom at the moment either, she is a slut, and my sister is concited, and I objected to moving in here."  He looked at the floor the whole time, kicking the carpet.

"Join the club man.  I didn't catch, your name, what is it?"  I looked at him, my sister was too.  She seemed to like him also.  He was pretty cute, I guess, the total opisite of his sister.

"It's Daniel, I'm named after my dad."  He looked at me. My face froze, my mom was now engaged to a guy named Daniel, like she never stopped speaking of him, I met him.  He was nice, he was cheated on too.  They met at the pycyatrist, they went out for a month before getting engaged.

"Our mom is engaged to a guy named Daniel."  My sister said, she beat me to it. Was it the same person?

"So, my dad is going out with someone named Kyra, she seems nice,"  She was going through a divorce too."  I looked at him, my mouth froze in a perfect O.  I whipped out my phone at the same time as my sister, "What."

"Hold on, let my ask my mom something."  I looked at my phone, and a minute later my phone lit up.  I snatched it up and clicked on the text, bingo.  "Do you reconize this man?"  I showed him the picture. Daniel scratched his head.

"Yeah thats my dad, how do you have his picture, and why did you ask?"  He looked puzzeled, then his face brightened.  "I get it, my dad is engaged to your mom, Kyra, right?"  He looked at me.

"Bingo,"  My sister and I said at the same time. We all looked at each other.  I looked aroung the room, looking at all the stuff that was all neat, I needed to dust my room.

"So we will be like brother and sisters, and we will pretty much always be together?" He asked.  Then I looked at the door, a shadow was being cast, some one was listening.

I pointed at the door, and motioned for them to be quiet. "And Jordan is-" I didn't even finish and Jordan burst through the door screaching profanitys at me.

"Shut up, its not nice to evesdrop, I was just trying to get you out of the door stupid."  I hissed at her.  I grabbed her wrist and twisted, hoping to quite the beast.  I sort of worked, but her mom was at the door now too.

"Don't touch my daughter or I will-"  She didn't finish.

"Threatening a minor, are you, well that can get you sent to jail for a little, and it's impolite to listen in on people. Or did you live in a barn, or was it a different kind of house, like a house on the corner."  I looked at her, her face turned red and the stormed out.  

I pointed to the door then looked at Jordan, "Out, now."  I looked at the others, my sister was grinning, Daniel was giggling.

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