Jornal number two: Daisies

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He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me. 

I looked down at the daisy petals falling to the floor of the trampoline, I loved him.  I knew he loved me back, the things he did, they were hard to explain but I knew.  I sat alone on my trampoline, looking up at the at the stars.  Like I did every night, I moved the daisy petals over and I laid down to stargaze.  A perfect friday.

His parents were like best friends with my mom, and he was an only child, just like me.  We were also best friends, I was in love with my best friend and he was in love with me, we had been for as long a I could remeber.  In almost every memory of mine he was there, camping, vacations, the lake, school, every thing. And his name was Jason, the best name ever.

My eyelids started getting heavyer, I slapped myself, they were getting heavyer still.  My eyelids were drooping, bluring my vision.  My eyes shut, and I fell in to a night long night mare.

What seemed like quite a while later there were firemen waking me up, they were in thier uniforms.  There was an ambulance, a fire truck and every thing.  They were rushing me to the fire truck, they wanted to check me, for smoke inhalation.

I glanced up at the house, it was bursting with flames, the flames were licking the sky, malishiouly grinning and miniacly laughing at me. I screamed, and the firemen look at me.

"Where's my mom, she is in there!  Where is she!"  I scream trying to pry myself from the firemans arms, I continue screaming, a fireman looks at me and starts barking orders to his men.  I stop wiggling, and become a lump, a shaking, hastarical lump. 

I am sitting in the ambulance when something beond reconition is brought in, it looked like charcol, it was black, and it had no hair, no finger nails, every thing burned off, including the clothes that had been on this persons body, it made me want to die.  I didn't reconize her, I looked at the woman in the ambulence with me.

"Who is this?"  I look at her shaking, she looks at me and starts crying.  It was my mother, she had died in the fire, while I was sleeping.  I should have died to, I shouldn't have fallen asleep on the trampoline.  But I was alive, and hoping that my mom had a will, and that I wouldn't go to the orphanage.

I fell asleep again on the ambluance, I had cried my self to sleep,  my eyes were still swollen.  Now the lawers where at the remander of the house, looking at a piece of paper, and taking out thier phones, quarreling over something.

I got out of the ambluence, it looked to be about six in the morning, all the nieghbors watching from the window.  They looked sad, but I knew I looked more sad.  I wrapped the blanket around me and walked out of the ambulance, the sky looked dark, and it smelled nasty.

A car with shiny rims, and a black truck body pulled up to my house, I looked at it and walked to sit down on the curb.  I sat my butt down on the freezing cold curb, and watched the scene from where I was, three people were getting out of the black truck.

One of the people ran towards me, I put my hands up, the person laughed.  It was cody, I looked up, then back down.  He sat down next to me, putting his arm around me, and pulling me closer.

"We have come to foster you, not adopt, just take care of until you are 18 cause that is what your mom asked me to do.  I have on question, why didn't she ask your dad to do this?"  He whispered with his warm breath warming my ear, and his smooth voice.

"He is dead, remember."  I said bluntly, I guess I was one lucky orphan, I had a home.  I looked at his shocked face, he blushed.

"Oh yeah, sorry Daisy, I forgot."  He looked down, then at my face.  He poked my red nose, then russled my whitish hair. "You know, for being albino you have sure got a lot of color to your face right now."  He laughed, and russeled my hair more.

"I have a question, I am going to go to school on monday, don't tell anyone what happened please, but how will I wear clothes, they all burned, and all of my books, and my cello, what will I do?"  I looked at him, he grinned. 

"Well, I have a cello, and I am in all of your classes, or have the same ones any ways so I will help you with the book and the cello thing.  But you cant really wear my clothes, what are you and extra small, I'm a medium in guys clothes, ask my mom." He was grinning, his white teeth matched his messy brown hair, he had a purple shirt on, and grey acid washed skinny jeans.

"Ok, but you know, you could let me borrow your jacket on monday."  I gave a crooked smile, I don't like smiling normal, and lightly punched his arm.  He grabbed his arm and said 'owww' and we laughed.

We sat there for a while before his parents came to get us.  We got in the toasty car, with it's really soft seats. His mom broke the scilence.

"Well I'm assuming you will need clothes for school on monday, I have five hundred dollars from your moms will, just for that.  We will go to the mall, and you and Cody will go shop, or we can!"  She turned around, and handed me the five hundred dollars.  Cody moaned, I pointed at him.

"Hope you have fun Cody!"  I said, and the bantering begun.

"So is there a Miechal's in the mall?  If there was you could get another neon shirt, and stand out more that you do being paper white."  He laughed, I mocked him.

"Yeah, and I do need to get another neon shirt.  And I need to go to hot topic to get a new jacket, and packsun to get some pants. And some highlighter skinny jeans, and then we can go to areopostale for some shirts, and get some shirts at rainbow." I stated most of my plan just to make him eat his words.

"No snacks?" He whined, and then he gave me a puppy dog face.

"None, there is no time on the agenda."  I pointed to a fake wrist watch on my arm and shook my head.  He made a noise, "You need some cheese for that whine?"  He laughed at my remark, and I laughed with him.

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