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Christian mixed up the pancake batter as a voice caught him off guard.
"I wanna help." Mitchel smiled as Christian nodded and pointed towards the cabinet.
"Get me the chocolate chips from the cabinet please." He smiled.

"Just tell me when." Mitchel started to pour chocolate chips into the bowl. "When." Christian spoke. "Mitchel stop." Christian laughed as almost the whole bag of chocolate was in the batter. "Stop it." Christian pulled Mitchels hand out of the chocolate chip bag.
"Oh stop being such a Dad." Mitchel laughed as Christian rolled eyes. They got interrupted by a soft "I'm hungry." Coming from the other side of the kitchen.

"Well little missy sit down." Christian Smiled and put a pancake in front of her.

"Daddy,Can we go to the park today." Cally tilted her head to the side dramatically as Christian laughed. "Yah Daddy can we?" Mitchel mocked the 2 year old. "Maybe, and don't call me that." Christian continued to wash the dishes he had dirtied. "Why Daddy?" Mitchel smirked. "Knock it off." Christian didn't bother to turn around to face him. He let out a small scream as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. "Oh does Christian has a daddy kink?" Mitchel whispered into his neck.

"Get off of me what the fuck." Christian nervously laughed.
"I'm holding that against you." Mitchel laughed as Christian rolled his eyes and followed Cally into her room to get her ready for the day.
"Hey Imma Head to the studio, Uh do you wanna come with?" Mitchel leaned in Callys door way.

"Why would I." He let out another nervous laugh.
"I dunno, maybe we can do a 5 year reunion of Chase Atlantic." Mitchel nervously bit down on his bottom lip. "I miss the band, I miss you and Jesse and Clinton playing the saxophone, bro he sold his sax and said he'd never play again." Mitchel tugged at his braids.

"Yah and why did that all fall apart? Because you overreacted." Christian finished brushing Callys hair as she ran out of her room to watch tv in the living room.
"Uh excuse me, let's not forget about you basically manipulating me." Mitchel said with a 'duh' face as Christian rolled his eyes. "You're joking right, I didn't manipulate anyone, it was my fault I forgot you didn't know how to take a joke." Christian pushed past Mitchel as he exited his daughters room.
"Listen asshole, you ruined all of futures and you're not even gonna own up to it?" Mitchel basically screamed as they stopped in the hallway. "Oh no Mitchel not this time, I'm not taking the blame because you could of easily laughed and said 'ah you got me , good one Christian' but you blew up and acted like I fucked your mom." Christian tried to walk out of the hallway but Mitchel stepped in front of him.

"How many times did I tell that number that I loved you, so many time Christian and you did absolutely nothing." Mitchel lowered his tone.
"Get out of my house." Christian once again tried to exit the hallway but Mitchel wouldn't let him.

"No, not until you confess that you ruined so many peoples future." Mitchel crossed his arms as Christian flared his nostrils and snapped. Christian slammed the taller yet skinnier Mitchel against the wall.
"I didn't ruin shit!" Christian screamed as loud as he could as he slowly peered down to the toddler in a little pink dress with tears starting to form.
"Good going your yelling made your daughter cry" Christian let go of Mitchel and chased after the toddler as she sprinted into her room.

"Cally where are you sweetie?" Christian looked around her room but it was empty. He followed the soft cries to the closet as he found his toddler curled up in the closet.
"I don't like it when you yell." She cried.
"I'm sorry baby, you know I dont like doing it." Christian embraced the child in a hug. "You told me not to yell at people you like." Christian just nodded. "I thought you liked Mitchel." She looked up at Christian with her big blue eyes still full of tears.
"I do, but this is more complicated..." Christian got cut off by Mitchel.
"I'm sorry." Mitchel spoke from out side of the closet.

"Mitchel I'm not in mood you've done enough." Christian tried not to snap again as he picked up Cally and headed into the living room.

Sorry for a shity and short chapter :(

Change Of Reality • Manthony • Book Two •Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang