Darkness Before the Dawn

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Exiled from our throne
And banished from our home
We're forced to fight demons in the wake
These demons crack the boundaries of our world
And shakes our core like an earthquake
With trials of thunder and storm
To test our intuition
And see how easily we shall break
How will you defuse the situation?
Do so, while you still have time
I fear I am at the end of mine
The sands of time have begun to pour
The sands pour like falling rain
The race is on
As I fight forever more
I stand tall through all of the pain
Only to fall with broken faith
It shatters like glass
Devouring my hatred
And fueling it for good use
It has left me cold and empty handed
With the paths I have walked
Lost and stranded
And so, I take a stroll through the dark
I must follow the moon lights shine
Underneath its canopy of stars
It is not a walk in the park
But it shines some hope
Only seen from afar
This road will be hard
But my angel will be there to guide me
And to point the way
I must follow what's in my heart
And leave my mind astray
Darkness comes before the Dawn
And I will fight the demons of the night
So that I can breathe another day
And witness the birth of the morning light

Final Chapter of Darkness Before the Dawn: A Poetic JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now