Eye of the Storm

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I need a muzzle
To control the beast within me
But the beast has for too long been silenced
Consumed by hatred
Immune to heart break
Taken away by pain
Forced outside into the rain
The beast is a stray
Roaming the streets night and day
Waiting for someone
Or for the rising sun to shine
To wipe the sorrow from his eyes
The beast is trapped within the storm
And cannot control the weather
He strives to break the curse
So it doesn't have to be this way forever
He will fight between the drops of rain
Without getting soaked in shame
It strives for survival
And not for the glory, nor the fame
But you will forever hear the tale
Of the legend of the animal
Who has channeled all his rage
And leaves it estranged in a cage
Until it's time to step onto the stage
The beast is known by many names
And he takes many forms
He is the beast finding his way
While running through the eye of the storm

Final Chapter of Darkness Before the Dawn: A Poetic JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now