2 ⚬ electricity

120 16 63

If power was something you could touch, Nero and Blaise King would be prime examples.

Everybody knew about the prestigious King family, with the King mansion being one of the most exclusive, elite places only VIPs were invited to.

I'd heard stories about Nero and Blaise even when they were going to Rose Academy near Rose High. People said that Nero and Blaise lived in their own big house and now for some reason, they'd invited me to go there. The twins had quite a reputation for being party hosts. One of them was apparently a heartbreaker on the regular. Then again, I'd also heard that the twins hid drugs in the girls' bathroom and that they looked like baboons.

As I was about to press my brother further on what he meant, the door jingled once more. We were quite busy until closing time at six-thirty pm.

As Grayson started closing shop, he said, "I'll give you a ride to that party, Sunny. As a thank you for working part-time with me this summer. Milly's coming back soon from her maternity break and you'll be starting at Rose University, eh? Proud of ya, sis."

My brother tousled my hair and I batted his hand away.

"Ugh, fine. Thanks, Gray. I need to stop by home to put something decent on." I replied.

"Okay, gotcha." Grayson ushered me out of his store and he made sure everything was locked before we left.

As my brother sped off from the King boys' driveway, he blew me a silly kiss face. He called out, "do everything I would do, baby sis!"

I rolled my eyes and waved goodbye to him.

The house Nero and Blaise lived in was so pretty. Someone had put tiny bright lights over the exterior of the almond and cream-colored house. On the outside, the house seemed pretty normal, with a garden and a cute ceramic gnome.

As I rang the doorbell, I fidgeted with my hair. The door opened and a girl wearing a black dress with a cup in her hands welcomed me in.

"Hey, I'm Mads. You must be Sunflower. Come on in," she said.

I followed her through the front door and down the hallway. Her dark red hair was wavy, unlike my straight blond hair. I watched the way her hair swished back and forth as she led me into the living room.

The living room was large and pristine, and also devoid of people. I was surprised that there weren't many people around, considering the kegs that Nero and Blaise bought from Gray's.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"You're quite early. My cousins don't usually invite people over early." She turned to me to note her observation.

"I am? I thought the party starts at eight?" I asked.

"Oh yes, it does. For family and close friends. The official party starts later. Take a seat anywhere. We have free-flow drinks, just come to the kitchen around the corner to help yourself," she said.

I glanced at her as she walked away, trying to figure out if she was being nice or not. I decided to walk around the living room.

The living room seemed to be twice the size of my parents' living room. It was clean and neat, with a long couch and shelves containing various photographs.

I heard a sound from my right and I looked towards the direction of the noise. There was a winding staircase near the living room.

The hairs on the ends of my arms rose as I saw Blaise King descending the stairs, followed by his brother Nero. Blaise wore a white collared long-sleeved shirt and skinny black trousers. Nero was decked out in what looked like a navy suit complete with a swanky tie. They reached the end of the staircase and Blaise came to stand with me, whilst Nero went towards the kitchen presumably.

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