Dani's First Entrance

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Dani's hair whipped across her face like auburn waves, thrashing violently with the wind, as she entered the abandoned field, the iron gate creaking at her touch. Rain poured down harshly, gray clouds blanketed the sky. Her purple sneakers, soaked in mud, brushed themselves off in the stretch of grass as she trudged through. Her jacket, strewn with leaves, made crinkling sounds as she took it off and wrapped it around her waist.

As her brown eyes came into view of the worn down structure ahead, she padded faster, ignoring the eerie silence in which the atmosphere had reigned upon her. Dani slid through a crack in the wall, just as she had many times before, her small structure weaving through easily. Her home stood before her, in all of its excellence. Rusty iron bars were the skeleton of the building, keeping up the weak, flimsy walls. Dust had entered every crevice, as if to shield the inside from the harshness of the outside world.

The petite girl smiled at her place, lightly but quickly pulling off the white sheets that covered the old furniture. In the right corner of her living room, A tall mahogany Grandfather clock stood, shining in magnificence. As she uncovered item after item, the flimsy walls built up. Shiny, iron bars were sealed beneath the now clean, new looking wall paper. Dust rose up, seeming to disappear in thin air. Like puzzles, what ever she touched or recognized, piece by piece of the past rose up and took its place as it had done before. Picture frames resealed, the photos of smiling faces peeked through the glass, revealing itself from the ashes.

She padded up stairs, wooden steps recollecting beneath her feet, when one unfinished door remained. The house, renovated in a matter of seconds seemed insignificant compared to the one entry she had never touched. Time seemed to diminish as Dani gathered up her courage. Her fingertips reached towards the metal handle, the engravings of the knob settling against her palm. Slowly turning the handle, the compressed air forcefully pushed the door open.

"Mary?" She called out as the room revealed itself. The door stretched even wider as to lure her in. Small things lay scattered about, the bed undone and pillow cushions on the floor. Dani crouched down, picking up her older sister's ribbon and standing upright. A small pool of silver liquid had settled near the bookshelf.

"Dani..." Her sister's voice had whispered in a song-like tone.

Chills ran up Dani's spine as her mind raced frantically. She turned around, clutching Mary's hair ribbon tightly. She knew the Wisps were trying to grab her, but she wouldn't let them. She turned quickly, dodging the beast and rushing out of the room. The wisp ran after her, smashing pieces of the house that she had just mended after so long. Dani turned, facing the monster.

The hairless, gray demon stood before her, it's black and silver eyes gleaming with anticipation. Its thin skeletal body was wrapped unnaturally as sharp and broken teeth peered from under the wisp's mouth. The hands and feet in which it perched itself upon were cracked and rigid; bent disgustingly and dead like.

The monster wheezed at Dani, spitting out repulsive sounds as it lunged for her. The Wisp swiped a hand towards her, but Dani was faster, ducking the hit and smashing a lamp on its head. Running into the kitchen madly, she pulled things out of drawers and cabinets, opening a hidden compartment. She opened the tiny box to find the Clastrum, when the beast regained itself and ran towards her. She threw the strange contraption, when it opened and sucked in the evil creature. A sense of thankfulness washed over her as she watched the silver light engulf the Wisp, as it scratched the floor and thrashed in an attempt to free itself.

"Mary..." she thought when the Clastrum had closed itself. Picking up the silver wired contraption, Dani looked around anxiously, only to see the oak drawers, her mother's china set, and the old fashioned sink that she took baths in as a baby. As far as Dani knew, her only sister was gone, forever fashioned in the Clastrum which she held in her palm.

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