he's helping but who is he?

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I sighed a soft hum of relief as the heavy glass door of the game shop closed behind me.

I stood for a second, waiting until I could no longer see my breath in the air with every exhale before making my way through the store.

My eyes lazily scan the shelves, next week was mine and Craig's three year anniversary and I promised I'd provide the entertainment for after our meal.
We spend most the time we had together playing games, though we haven't got to play a lot lately. He's been working late, he has the better job so he pays most our bills, we lived comfortably though. To the point where he didn't really need to work any overtime for us to be okay, nonetheless, he insists.

I loved this little game shop, it was mostly second-hand products so you could usually get good games for pretty cheap, they usually had a decent movie selection too.

I wander into the PS2 game section partially out of nostalgia when I see a tall man struggling to grab a game off the top shelf.

I know it's rude to stare but still, I watched him for long enough to notice him pulling his arm back to his side, his hand still empty as he huffs, a quiet "feck," escaping him. I held back a laugh. He rolled his shoulder as he rubbed it with the other hand.

I wasn't the best with social interaction - despite working in retail for the past month I've been here - but I felt bad so I made my way over to him, "hey, need some help?" I ask in the same voice I used to talk to customers.

His head turns, his frown quickly shifting to a polite smile when he notices me, though I can see his annoyance at the concern in my tone.
He didn't like being pitied, I note.

"Yeah, I just, could you grab that game for me? The little shit doesn't want to come with me." His deep Irish accent rings out in the near-empty store. He uses his head to point at the top shelf, his nose jutting out as his sandy brown hair jostled slightly at the action.

"Which game? Because I know you're not talking about Little Britain." I laugh slightly, looking at him for more guidance.

He laughs softly, a strangely cute laugh as he shakes his head, "no, I've already got a copy of that, Lifeline, " he nods to the game he wants, "please."

I laugh back, though I'm not entirely sure he's joking, "Lifeline huh? I don't think I ever played that."

He scoffed as I reached up for the game, "and you consider yourself a gamer?"

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm no longer worthy of the title, you've caught me." I hold out the game to him, to which he grabs it with a grin before I hold my hands up in defence.

He laughs and gives me a quick thanks before beginning to walk away, to which I hurry to stop him, "hey wait, I helped you, now you have to help me with something."

He turned in surprise before pulling an amused look, "I'm sorry I'm not really that kinda guy, at least buy me a drink first."

My eyes widen, "that's not what I meant!" I didn't realise how loud I'd defended myself until all the people in the shop turned to look at me.

He laughs as I flush with embarrassment before walking back toward me, "the lady doth protest too much." He states in a mock English accent, before giving me an awkward grin.

"Wasn't Macbeth Scottish?" I laugh, the heat in my cheeks slowly fading.

"Close enough, " he laughs, "whatcha need help with?"

I try to ignore how the way he looks at me as he towers over me makes my stomach flip.

"I need to find a game," I state, my attention suddenly back on looking around the store.

𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑎 𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝜊𝑛¹Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat