dinner but it's a little crispy

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"Let's go out."

I lifted my head from the TV to look over to Kevin's, now open, office door. I'd slept in his bed with him last night, curled up against his chest because he'd refused to let me go and he'd been awkward with my all morning because of it.

"Huh?" I look at him quizzically.

"We've been held up in this damn building for the better part of a week, let's go somewhere." He might have a point, fresh air sounded nice.

I look over his slouched figure, the bags under his eyes he'd developed over the week were less prominent but they were still there. He looked frustrated, or tired, or bored, maybe all three.

"Have you recorded your video for today yet?"

"Are you gonna become like my manager or something?" He groaned, leaning up against the door frame with a huff.

"Kev, didn't you give me a whole speech about not letting your fans down the other day?"

He sighed, "yeah, but they'll see how tired I look and start lecturing me about how I need a break and I just, don't want them to worry."

"They'll worry more if you don't post at all."

"I know." He sighed again in exasperation, rubbing his face, likely in an attempt to wake himself up.

I stand up, walking over to him and resting my hands on his shoulders, he lets his arms fall to his sides as I rub them softly.

"Well how about this, you record a video, even if its a little shorter than usual while I make you something to eat. Then after that, you can take a little nap and we can go out for the evening?"

He smiled at me softly, "you're too good to me, you know that right?"

"You say that like it's a chore, I enjoy being here with you Kevin, I want to help you."

With a light frown cast over his face he looked at me, "still, I feel like-"

I press a finger to his lips to cut him off, shushing him, "Kevin, shut up, go record." His cheeks redden slightly as my finger brushes against his lips but he nods. As my hand retreats my side he turns to re-enter his office, "I'll see you in 40 minutes." He declared, before shutting the door behind him.


It was close to an hour before I saw him again, stretching with a yawn in a way that made his hoodie ride up, showing off the pale span of his stomach as he padded over to me, flopping down on the couch. His legs crossed over my lap as he yawned a second time, his shoulders pressed against the armrest and his head flopping backwards without support. It reminded me a little of a cat.

"Kev, " I mumble softly, shaking his legs slightly to gain his attention. He lets out a groan as his head comes back up, his face slightly red, likely due to hanging it off the couch. "How are you feeling?"

"Feckin awful." he murmured, rubbing his face as he did earlier. I sighed, squeezing his leg to comfort him.

"So that's a no to going out then?"
I looked over at him, awaiting his response. I really wanted to go out.

He rolls his neck before rubbing it with a tense look, "I'm not sure I can y/n, my shoulder is- hey, weren't you cooking something?"

"Shit!" My eyes widen, I'd completely forgotten. I push his legs off off mine, pulling an annoyed grunt from him as I run into the kitchen, I hear him slowing getting up to follow.

An unmistakable burning smell clogs my lungs, I tug open the oven door and instantly stumble back with a cough. The food I'd spent a good thirty minutes preparing was now smoke and ash.

I feel Kevin's presence behind me and before I can turn I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he steps back, pulling me away from the smoke as I cough.

He snickers slightly, "maybe just stick to making sandwiches huh?" he spoke in a soft voice beside my ear.

"Don't be an ass Kevin, I just forgot about it, my cooking is great, usually."

"Usually." He repeated, mockingly, "well, since we're not eating...that, wanna go get a burger?"

"But Kev, you said-"

"That was before you nearly set our kitchen on fire." He said our.

I turn to face him, not realising how close he was behind me with his arms still secure around my waist. I blush when I realise how close his face is to mine, our noses practically touching.

He pulls back instantly, his cheeks turning crimson as he rubs the back of his neck. "I, erm, my wallets in my office so I'll...I'll go grab that." He stammers, shooting me an awkward grin before quickly turning on his heel and walking to his office.

I take a deep breath to calm the fluttering in my chest before making sure the oven is turned off. I open the kitchen window to let out some of the smoke, looking up to the smoke detector and silently reminding myself to get some batteries for that.

"You ready?" He called from the hallway, slipping on a pair of black vans.
I stick my head out the kitchen door with a smile, "yeah, I just need to grab a jacket and my shoes, but you better not complain while we are out, this was your idea." I take on a motherly tone.

He rolls his eyes, "I'll be on my best behaviour, you don't have to worry about me."

"Great, then let's go!"

𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑎 𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝜊𝑛¹Where stories live. Discover now