
2.7K 167 35

Day three hundred and sixty five| 3:04am

Thank you for not leaving me.

Thank you for staying with me at all times.

Thank you for supporting me no matter what.

"I love you. You know that?" You whispered against my neck.

Your fingers brushing against my bulged stomach.

"And I love you too" You mumbled, kissing my stomach.

"I can't wait for you to come and see me and your mummy." You leant down and kissed my firm stomach gently.

"I like this height" You winked and I couldn't believe you would be a daddy in six months.

A/N: I was gonna do an epilogue but I was like nah but you guys got me to 1k and someone commented saying they want more and want more short stories. I'm working on a few and i've recently published some on here so go check them out they're both completed and i'd love to hear feedback. remember to fan, comment, vote and add to ur reading lists xxx

48 hours ➳ Michael Clifford/5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now