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This story has been told many times before, it's a story about me , my name is Alexandria Elizabeth Beckwith and I was Rejected by my mate . Now I'm not gonna lie my life isn't really very sunshine and roses my mom and dad are the outcasts of the pack something about mom's parents not liking not liking that mom ,a beta was mated to an omega , like my dad I'm also an omega. School really isn't fun because I'm surrounded by pack members all the time , at the pack house and here I never get a break , they try to make me do all the work at the house and the homework for my pack as well , but luckily the teachers aren't pack members, their actually human . Surprising right that a pack of like 20 or 30 not really sure anymore is going to a human school , trust me I was shocked as well when I realized that as well . You see up till 8th grade we all go to schools strictly for pack members only everyone there is a pack member , so obviously back then I would be the one doing everyone's homework it sucked especially when it came to mister future alpha Cult Evan Grayson , now he's the bane of my existence  he's what you would think the future alpha would be like , he's cocky and a total jock , but the thing he is the most is an ass . I cannot stand him he is the one that got everyone to basically start to use me . I had no way of saying no either because trust me someone who is already hated by basically all the pack obviously besides my parents , no one would even side with me. I didn't even have a friend and that says something on how he has his 'claws' in everyone at our school and at our house . It totally sucks ass . Anyway mine and his birthday is coming up soon , yup you guessed it me and Cult where born on the same day so we've grown up hating each other . I can't wait to find my mate maybe then I'll finally be free of all this shit in my life because he'll be there to protect me and never let any of this that's been happening happen ever again . Anyway our birthday is in two weeks we were born on September 15, 2036 (mom was 35 and dad was 38 the year now is 2054).Well I'll see you guys soon 

Prologue to my story I'll update soon and the picture in the beginning is Alexandria btw 

anyway again thank you and I would love some feedback on this story like if the sentence doesn't make sense to you and or if for some reason I don't see that I've made an error in something that would be greatly appreciated I love feedback just don't be rude I don't tolerate that   on my books or page anyway sejthblack out byezz till next time 

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