Chapter 11

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"Uh, I don't get it.." Jay moaned, "Why is Jin after us? What have we ever do to him?"

'He's only following orders from Sora.'

Jay looked around. He heard a voice he hasn't heard in a while. He is now looking at the figure of a cat mew mew. Her brown eyes were glowing.

"Gr- Grandma?" Jay gasped, "Is that really you? You look so much younger!"

"I have come to help you calm down," Mya mewed, "I know it so much for you to bare. Luna sent me here to give you a message. What you saw was true to the eye that Sora is plotting with Jin. You and Anthony have to stop him before it's too late."

Jay was starting to understand what his grandmother meant. He started to find his courage back.

"He's not here now," he said.

"True, but he will return at any moment," Mya added, "I've told Nova already in last night's dream. So you have to prepare yourself. Sora can't be killed by mortal mew mews, but a Star mew mew can if it means erasing him from existence. You see, if a star mew mew or a dweller mew mew dies, they disappear in thin air, never to return. Your grandfather killed Sora and he will kill him a second time if he can. That will give you, Anthony, Tia and Hiroshi the perfect moment to put Jin out of his misery."

Jay understood.

"Be patient here," Mya said calmly, "The time will come when you face Jin once more."

Morning came at last and the others were awake at the time. Anthony went up to Jay to have a talk with him and Nova had a talk with Tia earlier. It wasn't easy, but both Tia and Anthony understood there is plenty of time to train. Jay was going for a walk to clear his mind until a shadow ambushed him. It wasn't Jin..

"Get off!" he spat, "What's the big idea here?!"

The shadow had a long tail, and fluffy too. It has brown eyes and has short ears. Jay rolled and the stranger landed beside him. It was a girl, a Furret girl with light brown hair. She growled at him if he tried to get closer. Jay never seen a girl so pretty.

"Look, I'm sorry I've been rough, but-"

The girl lashed out her claws and Jay backed away quickly.

"Don't take another step!" she sneered.

Jay tried to remain calm, and good thing she missed him when she tried to scratch him.

"I don't want any trouble," he mewed, "If I'm on your land, I'll leave.."

"Dang right you are!" the girl growled, "You should leave now. I don't want to hurt anyone here."

"Listen, I-"

"You better get going then."

Jay had to leave as fast as he could. He was wondering who that girl is. She looked around his age. He wondered if he could talk to her without being lashed at. He went to an open clearing nearby and started to relax. He didn't know he was being followed.

"Hey, Shinx boy!"

It was that girl again.

"Oh, hey," Jay mewed, "I never got your name. My name is Jay."

"I'm Hilda," the girl added, "And sorry I was being harsh earlier. You were trespassing on my unit's land."

"I might of figured," Jay sighed, "I wanted to clear my mind after the other night."

Hilda was starting to become a bit curious about him. She wanted to get a little closer without using her claws in anger. She got close enough and looked around.

"This is a nice view from here," she said.

"Yeah, this is part of an open field," Jay put in, "It's also a good view of the river. I kind of crossed that bridge to get here."

"That bridge is getting weaker," Hilda put in, "It's been up for many years. Still those lazy comrades of mine refuse to fix it. It could break at any moment."

Jay was on his way across, but the bridge was falling apart. Jay heard the crack on one of the planks and it broke. He backed away and then another plank broke from behind him. Jay slipped and fell in the river below him. Hilda had to get him out and fast. She swam to him and pulled him out on the other side of the shore.

"You idiot," she huffed, "I told you that bridge was weak."

"Sorry I didn't hear or believe you," Jay sighed, "but thanks for saving me. I'm not much of a swimmer..."

Hilda was doing her best to be nice, but she somehow likes the boy in a way.

"I'm swimming back across," she added, "I'll get my comrades to build a new bridge."

Jay watched her leave and had a feeling this girl could be the one for him. He wanted to see her again, but had to stay on his side of the river.

"Oh, and I think I may visit one time," Hilda called out when she reached her side of the river.

Jay had a feeling he'll be seeing her again.

At the base, Nova was watching Anthony and Tia train and saw that her brother was soaked.

"And what happened to you?" she asked.

"Met a girl on the other side of the river," her brother sighed, "and I need to change."

Nova watched him go inside and was a bit worried about him. She looked back to Anthony and Tia as they were about to finish up.

"Did Jay fall in the river?" Tia asked, "He looked like it."

"Yes," Nova answered, "but I bet he has some explaining to do."

Anthony and Tia were about to see the river, but the bridge crossing to the East Region is now broken. Now they know Jay wasn't lying. Tia looked down at the river.

"Hey, how did that bridge break?" she asked someone in the water.

"Some boy broke it," the voice answered, "We've just got orders to repair it."

Anthony saw that it was a water type mew mew, a Seal mew mew. Anthony wasn't sure what to say.

"Let's let them work on the bridge," Tia added.

Anthony nodded.

"Hey you two!"

Tia stopped for a moment.

"You two seem okay," the girl called out, "Have you two know Jay?"

"Yes, he's my second cousin," Anthony answered.

"I see, my name is Hilda and that Seal mew mew you saw is my comrade Austen."

"I'm Anthony,"

Hilda seemed to be more thrilled to meet the rest of the family.

"My name is Tia," Tia said sweetly, "We're sorry about the bridge, we had no idea it was all rickety and old."

"It will be fixed soon," Hilda promised, "Tell Jay I'll be waiting for him if you see him."

With that, the Furret girl went back to her base. Tia looked kind of confused. She hope that Hilda was right about the bridge. They went to the base to rest for a bit. Nova was there talking with Jay.

"You what?" she asked, "You think crossing to the other side would of been dangerous?"

"I didn't know that bridge would break down," Jay added, "That Furret girl saved me. I'm not much of a swimmer anyway."

"I think you need to stay on your side of the river for now on," Nova put in, "Besides I think that girl may be perfect for you, maybe..."

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