Chapter 20

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Anthony followed Diana and Hiroshi for the next appointment. He saw Sakura flying above him. Diana got Hiroshi inside the cave that is higher than the entrance to the moonriver cavern.

"Phew, what a walk..." Tia panted, catching her breath.

Anthony knew that the Pikachu girl wanted to tag along.

"So this is the place Diana was talking about," Sakura added.

Anthony nodded. Soon the door opened again.

"I wasn't expecting more visitors," a voice barked.

Sakura let out a startling gasp.

"You're okay, lass. I won't fight ya."

Then a man appeared in front of the door. He has the mutations of a Lycanroc mid-day form. He seemed a bit older than Diana, about a year apart. Anthony froze in his tracks.

"There's no need to be scared of me, lad," the Lycanroc mew mew barked, "My name's Nathan. Young Hiroshi told me about you. My guess you've escorted him here."

"Not exactly," Tia added, "We wanted to just travel. Jin has been causing so much pain and suffering..."

"This 'Jin' is a troubled boy," Nathan groaned, tapping his foot, "I knew he would be evil like his father one day. He needs to be stopped."

"You know about Jin's past?" Tia gasped.

"I do, lass," Nathan answered, "And I saw how it all began. It wasn't Jin who wiped out Hiroshi's true kin. It was his father, Cedar. From the bloodline I've studied, Hiroshi is Jin's half-cousin."

The three kids gasped.

"Jin's his half-cousin?!" Sakura echoed.

"Correct," Nathan answered, "Cedar was exiled from Hiroshi's birthplace a long time back. He swore revenge. Yes, it's true Jin was part of it."

Anthony was shocked.

"I foretold Hiroshi's true parents a long time ago that there will be a massive onslaught, but little did I know, it was too late to save both of them. Cedar was ruthless. After he killed both of Hiroshi's parents off, I took little Hiroshi away and hid him in a bomb shelter for his safety."

"Then Rika and Huey found him," Anthony stated.

"Correct," Nathan replied, "I lured Cedar away from the village and challenged him to a duel. I killed him. I've won the duel. Young Jin was badly injured and his left wing was all soaked in blood. I think Hiroshi must of injured him before I took him away from the danger."

"That explains the scar on his left wing," Sakura put in.

"Yes," Nathan added, "Now Jin's heart is cold as ice and there's no way he'll never forget I was responsible for the death of his father. Cedar had to be stopped. Jin's being more like his father each time he's in battle. I know he killed your family too, Tia, Sakura. I saw it all."

Tia wasn't sure what to say to the Lycanroc, but Sakura does.

"We stayed with Anthony and his family for nearly a year," she said, "I'm glad we made the right choice to stay with them. I want to help Hiroshi too."

"I bet you do," Nathan replied, "His training for today is nearly completed, I'll see to his progress."

Anthony was glad Hiroshi has help. He hope winter will end very soon.

Three months later, spring finally came and Hiroshi was getting much calmer with his therapy treatments from Nathan the Lycanroc mew mew. He was looking for someone, maybe Sakura? He spotted her not too far away.

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