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Jiyang had no idea what he did to the people around him. Every smile - tossed around so carelessly. The same way he was when he joined the show business. With just a smile  he knocked on Hao Xuan's world. After the making of The Untamed series, Hao Xuan's world revolved around him. A swirling orbit which threatened to swallow the young alpha whole. Even after all their shows - even when he didn't look at him, the dark haired pretty guy couldn't forget the way Jiyang made his body ache. It was Jiyang's first heat which pushed Hao Xuan over the edge into his first rut.

Sitting beside him in the taxi, Hao Xuan kept his eyes on the world outside. Tall skyscrapers shimmered, dulled by smog and rain - far from home and just the two of them. Biting his lip, Hao Xuan slid his eyes to Jiyang's reflection in the plastic separating them from their driver.

Though they could have easily gotten a private car, Jiyang had laughed - racing with a  hand in the air to catch a bright yellow taxi. Jiyang seemed to glow.

A flush brightened his eyes and reddened his lips. The scent of trees, molten glass, and paper perfumed the air. Every muscle in Hao Xuan's body tensed. 

His eyes jumped to the driver who drummed his fingers along the edges of the steering wheel. They were no more than a block away from the hotel.

Considering the beta driver's age, it was unlikely he was a threat; however, Hao Xuan unbuckled, sliding into the middle seat before buckling once more. Jiyang blinked.

"Hao Xuan? What are you - ?"

Keeping his tone even, he whispered, "You're going into heat."

Jiyang's eyes widened. "What? No - I have a month. I'm regular - twice a year. Like clockwork."

"Perhaps stress and -"


"Last heat, you switched alphas. We didn't bond. Your body is likely responding to the change. If your friend -"

"Bo Wen."

"If Bo Wen helped you from your first heat, it's not surprising for your body to want to solidify your connection after your first..." Hao Xuan found himself at a crossroads. Though Jiyang hadn't specified what happened between him and Bo Wen, he had stated Bo Wen had died. Jiyang's body had reacted like a widow.

Most actual widows would've avoided spending their first heat after their mate's death with anyone for this very reason, but as Bo Wen and Jiyang hadn't mated - and however long the mourning gap between Bo Wen's death and Jiyang's next heat, the young man couldn't have expected this.

"I didn't bring anything with me. We're heading back in five days...I thought I didn't need - damn it," Jiyang cursed. His hands tightened into fists on his thighs.

"Hao Xuan...would you?"

"Yes," Hao Xuan said too quickly. Ducking his head, he forced himself to take a slow breath.

"Of course, I'll help."

"Are you still...?"


Jiyang's shoulders dropped as the driver pulled over. Paying, Hao Xuan led the guy through the hotel to the elevator. Once inside alone, he focused on the way that Jiyang's scent intensified with each shuffle from one foot to the other.

"I can run to the store across the way. Get a heat guard."

"It's a muzzle," Jiyang grumbled. "You'll look like Hannibal Lecter."

"But I won't bond you without your permission," Hao Xuan pointed out.

"It's still creepy."

"I need to get condoms anyways. Unless you've been able to start birth control..."

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