Punching bag #2

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"I'm worried about him" Marcel commented and stared at Vanti. "What can we do?" Brian whispered. Ever since that "talk" with Brock, Vanti's been emotionless. Well he always was emotionless, but not like this. Every time someone brushes against his body he flinches. "He had burn marks on his arms" Zipcat said softly. "I saw him when he was changing his shirt. I think Nogla knows something too..." Nogla was sitting on the couch counting the stacks of money, which was strange since... well they hadn't gone on heists lately. "Hey Vanti" Brock patted his back which made Vanti flinch visibly. "Hey Brock" He muttered and started walking to the other side of the room. Brock grabbed his jacket and pulled him back. "Not so fast. We need to have another talk" His smile turned into a smirk. "Yes sir" Vanti said looking like he was gonna cry.

"Wait!" Brian shouted out. Brock and Vanti both looked at him, Brock more glaring than looking. "Leave him alone Brock.. please" Brian tried to make himself look bigger, but it was no use. With his height it didn't do much. "Stay out of this twerp" Brock said and cracked his knuckles. "It's better if you don't get involved" Vanti muttered. Marcel huffed and stood up next to Brian. "No! We aren't gonna let you do this alone" Brock sighed. "Listen. Both of y-" Zipcat then stood up. "A-actually t-three!" He spoke quietly at the end, but Brock heard him well. "You guys are being idiots!" He said sternly. "No! You're the idiot sir!" Marcel said and hugged Vanti tight. "What did you do to this poor baby?!" Brian asked. Brock rubbed his head and groaned. "He raped me" Vanti muttered.

"What" The three of them said. "He raped me" Vanti said a bit louder and smiled. "And I liked it" He started crying still smiling. "And I liked it!" He started sobbing. "What's wrong with me?!" He yelled out. Brock tsked. "You made him go on a rant now." Vanti started laughing and sobbing. "Ever since Nogla uploaded the video.. Everyone started to throw money at me. Make them go away Marcel" Vanti grabbed Marcel's arm and held tightly onto it. All three looked at Brock and glared with such evil intent, Brock was almost intimidated. "Yer in trouble now" Nogla said from the couch. "You're roped in this too!" Brock shouted back. "Out both of you!! Brian yelled and started throwing a his shoes at them. They both ran out and they weren't let in for five weeks.


Heyyyo! This is part 200!! No more parts! No more parts! 200 is the Max of parts. It's been really fun and I hope to see you guys again real soon

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