Almost Flattening Harry Hook

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As Ada sprinted away from the VKs and their parents hideout jumping ruthtop over ruthtop to inform her father and before she knew it Ada fell through an thin Ruth that despite being soft had an horrid impact from the height falling flat onto an unknown being making the impact less fatal but still painful as she felt an warm substance roll from her nose and an pulled muscle in her lower left hip as she put an hand to her head and the other to her hip and heard an slight moan.....

The person she almost flattened was the infamous 'sexy' she thought Harry Hook who did NOT look happy one bit making Ada painfully stand up with her only just noticed sprained ankle attempting to run only to be stopped by an abnormal tight handgrip on her wrist as she desperately yet fiercely stated "Let me go, Hook.....NOW" to which the oddly deranged pirate who could pull of eyeliner responded "Now lass why would I do that?" to which Ada let out an huff as Harry believed that he'd won as he'd stated arrogantly "Looks like I got ye now lass" with an almost deranged smirk to which Ada grinned like the Cheshire Cat almost putting it to shame letting out an very feminine yet almost hysterical laugh that caught Harry by surprise when she eventually faced him he took in her resemblance to Mal as well as Hades.
He was so deep in thought he didn't even notice that his hook was missing until their eyes where locked and hers held an mischievous glint as she gestured upwards where she had his hook dangling from her middle and index finger as he was so surprised his grip loosened on her arm as she kneed him in the stomach and she ran to the end of the ally with his hook going to leave the pirate hook-less but the look in his eyes for his treasured possession told her otherwise walking away throwing it over her shoulder for him to catch it to which he did and in that moment they both shared a little 'spark' as she smiled as she heard the muttering barely hearable whispers of Harry Hooks "thanks lass" and with that she made her way to her father's as Harry thought 'Uma's gonna love to hear about this and hades she can run in heals' referring to Ada's similarities to Mal despite the colour differences as well as her and Hades resemblance.

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