VKs leave the Isle

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The following morning Ada woke up fairly early and flipped through her spell book noticing an simple yet helpful invisibility charm that as long as chewed will keep the user invisible causing the young girl to squeal earning an deeply high groan from Hadi and Hades shouting at her "I love you baby girl, but please don't do that ever again" as Ada smiled an genuine one.

*Ada's POV*
Right in this moment of time I plop an mint chewing gum into my mouth turning me invisible as I'm currently snooping around the VKs hideout as it sounds abnormally louder than usual. Just by my luck none of the VKs left the building yet as in the corner of my eye through the crystal clear window of the unusual fancy and long car I saw colourful, dazzling and heavenly miniature objects and substances causing me to grin widely in pleasure.  Now that I LITERALLY stuffed my bags with all the candy I could muster I slammed the strange car's door sickenly loud making the poor driver jump as I spotted Evie and Carlos walking towards the car.

As the VKs sat comfortably in the large limousine just after Carlos jumped to help himself to the candy buffet he was pulled back by Jay who warning stated "Be careful, it looks like someone's eaten them before us" to which they both already saw Evie crunching an long crystal blue lolly so they forgot instantly and had an somewhat 'Candy-war' making Ada in the distance silently cheer that they made no big deal out of the amount of the already missing candy as the electric blue haired teen decided to shortcut through the alley instead of the rooftops due to the last accident.

As in the view she watched as the fancy vehicle was about to fall of the edge of the broken bridge instantly making Ada cover her eyes thinking 'oh, god' until she heard no screams of terror she separated her middle and ring finger only to see the vehicle elegantly floating in the air being carried across by an golden aura which Ada only assumed was magic being deep in thought 'well, that's interesting'.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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