Can I Call You Brother?

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Third Person's Point of View

Jimmy went to a bakery shop to have some food.

"Goodmorn--HEY! Get out of here you filthy beggar!" the owner shouted as she pointed her index finger to Jimmy.

"M-Miss please, just this once...l-let me have some food. I'm really hungry and I ne----" Jimmy pleaded but the owner cut his words.

"No! You're just a jinx to my shop! The last time you went here my shop got messed up. So leave now kid!!" she shouted

Jimmy don't have other choice that's why he quickly grabbed a piece of bread and run towards the other door of the shop.

"I'm really sorry Miss!" he shouted while running away from her.

'I really need to eat and have an live' he thought

And Jimmy didn't notice the fragile thin lumber and he accidentally stepped on it. Then the ground suddenly sank beneath him. He reached up, grasping for something...anything.....until-----

Until someone grabbed his wrist and lift him up....

Jimmy's Point of View

I didn't notice the lumber

I didn't notice the warning sign

I looked how deep is the ground, and I felt my hands is shaking because of fear.

I--I almost die....

"Hey kid you're safe now, don't worry"

I looked at him.... the one who saves me.

I felt like he gave me a second chance to live.

I hugged him tightly and became teary-eyed. "Thank you so much mister"

He brought me to the karenderya and I noticed that he is wearing a construction worker uniform.

"What do you want kid?" He asked

"Anything will do mister" I answered and smiled.

"Be careful next time kid, you're lucky that I'm fast enough to grabbed you quickly." he said and I just nodded.

Our food came and I started eating.

He is telling me some jokes and I cant help but to laugh. I'm really enjoying this moment, this is the first time I treated like I'm not a beggar or a plague to the society.

I f-felt like that I have a family to bond with.

I already don't have a family and probably don't have a chance to live happily unlike the other 11 year old kids out there. I was destined to have an unlucky life but I still really value life, that is why I'm really grateful to this mister who saved me.

"Hey kid wanna go to the park?" he asked after we finished our food.

I smiled and nodded.

We went to the park and seated at the grass. Its already afternoon.

"Mister, why bother to bond with a kid like me?" I asked

He just shrugged. "No reason kid, I just want to. I just want to spend some time and talk anything with a stranger" he stopped and looked at me and laugh " But I didn't expect to bond with a kid hahahaha." he continued.

I smiled at him.

We both look up to the sky.

"Hey Kid, don't you think life is really unfair?" he suddenly asked.

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