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I was currently in my drom studying for a upcoming test in ports. When I heard a loud knock at the door.

Y/n: Who is it?

Yang: its rwby open up

Y/n: ok one sec

I stood up wondering why they would be knocking. As I got to the door unlocking it to see team rwby, jnpr and Ozpin.

Y/n: Can I help you?

At that moment yang hit me in the face as I staggered back holding my nose looking at her.

Y/n: What the fuck yang.

Ruby: Yang calm down.

I watched as ruby and blake pulled there hot headed teammate back.

Ozpin: Mr. Laetor follow me this is a serious issue we have to discuss.

Y/n: Im confused what's going on?

Yang: You raped Weiss that's what's going on!"

I stood there in shock just looking at yang. My own girlfriend would accuse me of something I didn't do.

Y/n: I would never do something like that in fact I never did anything like that.

Yang: Stop lying she showed as the bruises you left on her and her ripped clothes!

Ruby: Sis please calm down.

Blake: yes let's not cause a scene.

Yang nodded while staring daggers at me.

Y/n: Oz I would nev-

Ozpin: That's enough! Follow me to my office and we will deal with it there.

I nodded my head as I followed Ozpin. As we walked I noticed the students we passed looked at me with disgust.

Random Student1: How could you do such a thing.

Random Student: You are disgusting!

We made it to the elevator as only me and Ozpin stepped in.


The elevator opened up as Ozpin stepped out with Y/n following behind.

Ozpin walked behind his desk and sit down. Y/n took notice and sit in front of him.

Ozpin: So Y/n as you know we have some accusations that have came up recently.

Y/n: I never touched Weiss.

Ozpin: that is not what she said. Last night her teammates called me down to there dorm and what I saw was disgusting. Weiss was laying on the floor her clothes ripped bruises on her. When we asked who did it? She said y/n.

Y/n: I was in my dorm all last night studying for a test.

Ozpin: you don't have to keep lying my boy.

Y/n: Im n-

He got cut of as Weiss entered looking down with Neptune beside her they both walked to the two chairs beside Y/n. 

An awkward silence feels the room as everyone avoids eyes contact. Ozpin was the first one to speak up.

Ozpin: Ok now that everyone is here I would like to hear both of your story's.

Weiss: Ill go first. It was last night my team was out and I decided to stay there to study. I got a little bored so I texted Y/n to see if he wanted to come over and he said yes. So then I freshen up and got ready for him to get here. 

Y/n looked at Weiss with a little bit of hatred as Neptune stared into his soul.

Weiss: After a few minuets I heard a knock at the door so got up to see Y/n there. I greet him we exchange a little kiss. And we go to study. Thats when.

She stopped herself and started to cry looking down.

Ozpin: Its ok if you dont want to continue.

Weiss: No its fine. Anyways while we where studying he kept on kissing me I told him to stop but he just wouldn't. He started to get a little handsy I told thats enough but all he did was pick me up and throw me on the bed. H-he started to rip my clothes while p-pulling his pants down. And a-after s-sorry I cant do this. 

Ozpin: Its ok miss schnee. Y/n your turn.

Y/n: first off I was in my dorm all night studying. I never left my dorm once you can look at the cameras I never left!!

Ozpin: Unfortunately for you Mr. Laetor we turn the cameras of after 11. Im sorry but your story does not hold up. Miss schnee has photos of her ripped clothes and her teams account and a few others. 

Y/n looked down at the ground all this happening so fast he started to cry.

Ozpin: So by everything you Y/n are guilty for sexual assault against miss schnee. 

Weiss started to smile a little where no one could see her.

Neptune: Justice has been served.

Ozpin: So Miss schnee what would you like to do?

Weiss: I want him out of beacon.

Ozpin: Is that it? 

Weiss: Yes my father will do the rest.

Ozpin nodded turning to look at y/n

Ozpin: Y/n Laetor I hear by expell you from this academy.    

( Discontinuing) Betrayed ( RWBY X Maler Reader)Where stories live. Discover now