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        "Hey Emily," Naomi called me. "What?" I replied curious. She pointed to a girl with platinum almost white blonde hair and brown eyes, who was intensely focused on building an intricate sand castle in the sand pit. "Don't you think she's weird?" Naomi asked. "How? I mean I never talked to her." I replied wondering how a normal kid could be weird. "Don't you see? She's building a freaking intricately designed sand castle full of a completely working bathroom system faucet, lavishly decorated bedrooms, throne room that would make the British monarchy faint, a self working moat, realistically looking sand people, and she's literally making Castella(cake) in the kitchen for her sand people to eat." Naomi said looking like she'd faint from the absurdity. "....."
       She looked me in the eyes, "CASTELLA, EMILY, CASTELLA." "...." I'm somewhat not fazed by this. Maybe I should commission her to make me the sand version of the Hagia Sofia, inside and all. Now, that would be great.
         And that is the first time I ever heard of my genius best friend, Vivian and her incomprehensible talents.

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