Nightly Occurences (bichie)

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Richie had loved Eddie for years. He knew that, Eddie knew that, and the rest of the group knew that. They'd been dating for so long that they'd become the old married couple of the group, always bickering and teasing, acting as though they had been together for years. Of course, they hadn't, but it sure did feel like it. However, like most married couples, they fell out more times than anyone could count.

And that was what was happening this time.

"You're afraid of EVERYTHING, Eddie! And who's fault is that? Your fucking MOM'S!" Richie's voice was beginning to raise an octave as he shook with anger. Eddie had once again refused to see him due to his mother's own wishes, something that irritated him to no end. It was like Eddie couldn't see how controlling she was towards him. Eddie's eyebrows furrowed in anger, clutching his fists, "It was MY choice not to see you, Trashmouth, NOT my mom's."
Richie scoffed and rolled his eyes, letting out a sarcastic laugh, "this is a fucking joke, you know that, right? This is the first time you've seen me in three weeks Eddie. And it's not because you've been busy, so don't even try and pull that shit piece of wool over my eyes - I know you've been spending all your time with Stan." He paused for a second before continuing, "If you like Stan so much better than me-"
Eddie cut him off before he could finish, "Stan would never treat me like this!" He exclaimed, but quickly covered his mouth as soon as he realised the words that he had spoken.

Those were forbidden words.

Richie's shoulders fell as soon as those bitter words were uttered from Eddie's lips. Of course, Stan was better than him. How could he not be? Stan was everything he wasn't. A grade-A student, the perfect son, and, clearly, the perfect boyfriend. Richie always wondered what he had done to deserve Eddie, but now he knew.

He hadn't done anything - because he'd never truly had him in the first place.

Richie didn't say anything as he grabbed his bag and turned to leave, looking defeated. He didn't even cry. He just sighed, ran a hand through his hair, and left the room, despite the protests leaving the mouth of his boyfriend. The cool air evening air hit him as soon as he left the house, as did the severity of the situation. They'd never had an argument that bad before. An argument that left a disgusting taste in his mouth. Richie raised a hand to touch his cheek, shuddering as his fingers touched the salty liquid that was leaking from his eyes. He knew he couldn't go home in this state, as, truth be told, his home wasn't a stable environment for him to be in. Getting on his bike, he knew that he needed to go to one of the only places where he felt safe.

Richie and William Denbrough went way back, before their friendships with Eddie and Stan even started. They'd known eachother since kindergarten, after a rather unfortunate event that included playdoh and a broken nose. Bill was one of the only people that could deal with Richie's foul mouth, and actually see a genuinely kind person behind that. So, it was no surprise to Bill when he opened his backdoor to see Richie standing on the mat, looking up at him, bedraggled and sodden. The usually loud boy was unusually quiet and solemn, and after a sigh from Bill, he opened his door wide enough to let the taller boy in. Taking his hand, Bill led him up to his room, quieting Richie's quiet sobs as they snuck past his parents room. This was not the first time they had done this, and it certainly was not going to be the last.

It started shortly after Georgie disappeared. Richie turned up on Bill's doorstep after a rather worrying phone call from the latter, ready to comfort him when he needed it. This became a regular occurrence- whenever either of them were sad, they would meet at Bill's house to comfort each other. Both had their fair share of struggles, and they felt that they were the only members of the group that could understand each other on a personal level. Of course, they loved their other friends, but they felt the most comfortable around each other.

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