Like what you see? (Patrick Hockstetter)

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A quick Authors note before we begin.

Within this story, there will be mentions of Past Abuse, Animal Death, Assault, brief and non-explict Sexual content and Violence. If any of that content offends you, then this might not be the story for you. However, the other chapters/one shots in this story are significantly more tame, so feel free to read one of those instead. This contains direct reference to that scene at the junkyard that is in the book.

Although, I doubt that any of you will actually leave after this trigger warning, because you all know that this particular chapter is about Patrick Hockstetter, who's a fucked up individual. So of course there will be violence.




"I heard they slice the tip of his dick off"

Eddie shrugged slightly, looking at his two companions with a glance of feigned horror that didnt quite reach his eyes, before bursting into a wide smile and a short laugh. Now, Eddie was a rather short boy, smaller than both of his companions by a couple of inches, however, despite his stature, he was neither meek nor mild in comparison to the rest of his group. In fact, when irritated, his vocabulary rivalled that of his best friend, Richie Tozier, who was lovingly dubbed 'Trashmouth' Tozier by the rest of their friends due to his rather crass vocabulary. A laugh echoed from the boy on the other side of the group, Richie, as he adjusted his thick rimmed glasses and moved his hair out of his eyes, "But then Stan will have nothing left-!"

As soon as he muttered those words, the aforementioned boy came speeding behind them, grasping at both Eddie and Bills shoulders as he attempted to push them to move faster down the corridor. He kept his head low, uttering to his friends, "At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah- and then suddenly, I become a man."

In typical Richie fashion, of course he had a response to that. "I can think of funner ways to become a man", he said with a laugh, slapping Stanley on the back and ruffling his curls. As soon as he spoke, however, the rest of the Losers quietened. They kept their heads down as they passed a certain group of incessant bullies. Richie, who was the closest of the group to the four, tensed his shoulders, grabbing Bill's wrist as they passed the group. Henry Bower's face contorted into a disgusted scowl as he saw the group of young teens, turning to whisper to the boy next to him something about, 'Stupid fucking fairies ruining the town'. Reggie 'belch' Huggins turned away and began to laugh, nudging the tallest boy in the group, Patrick Hockstetter. Patrick towered over his friends at six foot four, and he barely acknowledged any of his friends, his eyes directly trained on him. A bigger than average smile formed across the boy's taut features as he ran a hand through his hair and let his tounge poke out from his lips to swipe across the bottom one.

Richie could feel his eyes burning into his back as he passed the group. He shivered, cracking his fingers with the other hand. This was not the first time that this had happened - it seemed like every time he passed the abnormally tall man, the same creepy smile would fall onto his features. He'd never tried anything, probably for fear of his friends accusing him of being gay, but he sure as hell didn't hide it. This was the last day of school, and that meant that Richie did not have to be in an enclosed environment with the fucking four horsemen of the apocalypse for six+ hours a day. He was somewhat free of their control now.

As soon as the four made their way outside, they headed straight for the row of trash cans that lined the path by the large strip of grass outside the front of the school. "Best feeling ever!" Stan exclaimed, throwing his bag full of books into the trash with a smile, as Richie turned to him with a grin, doing the same - "Try tickling your pickle for the first time". The jam-jar glasses clad boy smiled at his curly haired friend, laughing as the taller boy rolled his eyes. Just as they began to walk off, Richie felt a strong hand lock around the strap on the top of his bag, pulling him back to allow him to fall back and crash into Stanley. Patrick crouched down next to the two, swiping Stan's Kippah from the crown of his head, and winking at Richie in the process. "Nice frisbee, flamer!" he said, holding it out of Stan's reach, then proceeding to throw it in through the window of a passing schoolbus. Richie looked up to meet eyes with the taller bully, who looked down at the younger, clearly scared, boy with a look of delight. It was sick, and Richie couldn't believe that the long haired boy was getting off on the power trip that tormenting the group of children gave him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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