Part 20: A little bit of awkwardness

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Peridot Pov:

Staring up into Lapis' rich blue eyes i can feel her breath softly hit my face, her nose practically touching mine, i can feel my heart racing in my chest, Oh stars oh stars, she's so close. I nervously fidget with my hands, anticipating the moment her lips will touch mine, her eyes drawing me in as if my whole life had lead up to this moment, just to look into them. 

She goes to lean down, her lips growing closer to mine, my heart racing faster and faster the closer she gets. Just as her lips are about to press against mine the door swings open, causing to trip backwards in surprise "Hey guys, your coffee's getting cold" i look over at the doorway to see Amethyst standing there, both mine and Lapis' face a bright shade of red, Amethyst looks at us strangely "What? is something wrong?" there's silence for a second before Lapis speaks up ""No... no, we were just... talking" she hurriedly pushes pat Amethyst and runs down the stairs, amethyst turns to me and shrugs, walking out the door and downstairs. 

I sit there on the floor, staring at the empty door frame, my heart pounding in my chest and my mind racing, as i sit there i quietly mumble to myself "W-what... w-why... ". After a few minutes of sitting on the floor i slowly get up and make my way down the stairs, heading into the kitchen i notice Lapis sitting at the table with one of the coffee cups in her hands, her face, much like mine, is still slightly red. I think for a brief second before i head back out the front door, sitting on the stairs at the front of the house, i sit and stare at cars occasionally go by, letting my heart calm down a bit, my mind going over what just happened over and over again. 

After i while i decide to get up, i head into town and into the arcade so that i can take my mind off of things for a while, i set myself down at a machine and slide a coin in, the screen lighting up and pixelated music coming from the speakers. I spend a few hours hopping from machine to machine, spending a good amount of money as i keep myself occupied throughout the day, though once it starts to grow dark i'm approached by the owner, Mr. Smiley, who mentions that it's closing time and that i'll have to head out. Walking home i decide to take my time, walking along the beach and looking out into the ocean, the events from this morning starting to play through my mind again. 

Arriving home dinner is being set out, i sit myself down at the table and stay quiet for the meal whilst everyone talks amongst themselves, talking about the party from the previous evening, once i'm finished eating i dismiss myself and head upstairs. I head straight for the bathroom and take a shower, brushing my teeth once i'm finished, i go back to my room and get straight into bed, letting myself slowly drift off. 

I'm woken up by the sound of Mr and Mrs. Universe arriving home, i slowly sit up and look over slightly, looks like Lapis is already up, i crawl out of bed and go through my morning routine, heading downstairs to greet everyone. As i get to the bottom of the stairs i'm swiftly engulfed in a hug, i look down to see a familiar head of curly hair, i smile lightly and return the hug "Hey Steven, welcome home"  he smiles up at me with a wide grin "Thanks Peridot, i missed you all while i was away" i smile as he releases me from the hug "Well we all missed you too Steven" he smiles and giggles slightly as he goes off to greet everyone else, i take a few minutes to welcome Mr and Mrs.Universe back after their trip, helping to carry some of their bags inside.

Once everyone has finished welcoming Mr and Mrs. Universe, along with Steven, back home i head upstairs and into my room, sitting down in my chair and pulling out my robot, getting to work on it. After i've been working for a few minutes the door opens and Lapis walks in, i look over at her as she looks at me, her face turns red slightly and she turns away, i have a similar reaction as i attempt to get back to my work. I sit in silence as i tinker with my project, with the occasional quiet clink of metal from my tools , i hear a page turn every now and then from Lapis' bed. 

When i finish up for the day i take a quick shower and brush my teeth, as i walk out the door of the bathroom Lapis is standing there waiting to get in, as i glance over to her she quickly moves her eyes to the floor as her face turns slightly red. I head back into my room and climb into my bed, i sit for a minute staring out the window before i lay down, slowly drifting off as i hear Lapis coming back into the room.

A/N: I'm honestly surprised how much attention this story's been getting, though i'm mostly just grateful that there's people that actually enjoy my work, so thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my stupid story.  

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