Chapter 1

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^Listen to the song while reading^


July 31, 1991

The Cabin (North England)

Lilac's point of view

I could see my sisters skipping through the tall grass by the meadow. I knew Petunia and Lily were more into the idea of being cautious and maybe even more responsible than I was. However, they always had me around to break their seriousness and make things a bit more interesting. "Come on Petunia, run faster," I ran past my sister as I dragged my long purple dress through the yellow grass, probably gathering up more than teahouses of little sandbur in the fabric of my tulle skirt.

"Lila stop, I will tell mum that you separated from our side!!!" Petunia screamed as I just laughed at her lecturing me over and over. Lily followed behind me as she was also laughing at the idea of racing me. We liked to come out and enjoy the scenery when there was sun out. I loved the sun and had a lot of freckles that covered my cheeks and nose making me much more noticeable than Lily even if we were very similar. I was a red head with hair as orange as a traffic cone as well as orange as the walls in my room. I looked similar to Lily more than Petunia as we shared the same hair and Eyes, however, our personality couldn't be more than opposite.

Lily was more delicate and poise, she was what others would consider a doll. Petunia was similar in the idea that they made our parents proud and didn't make them worry. However I, on the other hand, was very different. I was always getting into some sort of trouble. I was only a few months younger than Lily as our parents didn't wait for much time before deciding to have another one with me being born 10 months after Lily and I was born prematurely at only 7 months. I guess that's why I was how I was.

My head was always in the clouds, and my heart in another world. I would make amazing sorties in my head as they came to me in dreams. I dreamt of having the ability to fly and a shining doe that shimmered in my room. I was very creative with whatever I did. Painting was my gift, even though I was just 9 almost 10 I would spend most of my days painting on our fence or even color on my wardrobe's doors. My parents were proud of me in that aspect, as long as I didn't paint on the walls.

I kept on running as I touched the growing flowers and somehow I must have imagined them starting to bloom at my finger touch. "Wow," Lily spoke as she could be heard coming close to as I didn't stop stocking the plants. I turned around and smiled as Petunia was frustrated crossing her arms, annoyed at how much fun I was having. "Let me see."

Lily placed her hands on the plants as well as I saw once again flowers blooming as they had done so in my dreams. She was doing the same thing I had and it made me realize that somehow it was true. We had brought life to those flowers. Somehow this seemed all normal and natural to me. It was somewhat just part of us. I laughed and continued to run when I came closer to a nearby tree and that is when it happened.

"Ouf," I said as I came crushing over something... or someone. I laughed as I realized I had just run over what felt like a kid around my age. I ran my messy curly red hair out of my face and then found a young boy. His eyes connected with mine as I was more than happy to find another kid to play with...

 His eyes connected with mine as I was more than happy to find another kid to play with

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