The World Seemed...

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Small Description:
To burn...

Main Characters:
Todoroki Shoto , Bakugou Katsuki

AU, if any:
Warnings, if any: Suicide
Words: 759

Letter Format!! (that was waaaaay too fun to write 😂🥰)
Inspired by: Burn - Hamilton
I know this is sudden, and that we're in modern times. Letters aren't usually written, but I couldn't text this to you, and I'm so sorry for you to even have to read this. Just stay strong without me here, okay? Take care of Midoriya, as much as it would pain you. Look after your sister too. They'll probably be just as heartbroken; but I couldn't handle anything any longer. With everyone degrading me in my family, and the feeling of being unwanted lingering in my chest, it grew unbearable.

Know you've done nothing wrong, Baku. You're the love of my life and I don't know what I'd do without you beside me. I know you're going to ask me why I resorted to this option, and the answer is..I don't know. It just hit me, so I acted before I could actually get a hold of what I would put you all through. What I'd put you though. I thought I could be enough for you, but my father would always say otherwise. I'd lost my mother the same way you've lost me. She spoke to me as days progressed, and as thought I was going insane by imagining her say such repulsive things about you. About everyone I'd ever met. It drove me to a never ending insanity, which was why I was acting off last week. She...Rei...Isn't an influence at all. She makes you do things you never wanted to go near. I lost my brother Touya that way. If she gets to you, just remember this letter I've written for you. Remember that not only she is there, but remember I'm fighting her off and away from you, my love.

With this out of the way, I'd like you a favor for me. Burn the evidence that I was here. Burn everything but the things you want to keep. Get rid of every trace of my existence. I'm no good for you to be surrounded by so it drives you insane as well. You can't trust me. I won't tuck away into the comfort of your arms any longer. This is no joke. Reread this as much as you'd like, but I'm waiting for you to begin severing our tie at the heart. Start another relationship. Be. Happy. For me. For the sake of your sanity. Don't let Rei speak to you at your darkened states. Cheer people up for me. Fill someone's void and your own void. Burn me and everything along with it. To hell with Todoroki Shoto. You don't need me, Baku. You need sanity. You need to be happier. So with this out your path: with a BURDEN out your way, become no.1 and remember to smile. Fix your attitude, even if it's cute. Hell, have a kid with someone to wipe your mind of my existence. Just forget I existed, love.

Tell Midoriya and Lidia the same. Tell Momo. Tell everyone. Show everyone this note and realize how Endeavor's son has been driven to suicide. Ruin his reputation in remembrance of his children. It's what my mother would've wanted for us to do. And when the time comes, explain to your children who I used to be. Who I was to you. How I was never enough for you, and how I could never make you happy. Ruin my name. Sabotage it in a heated rage. Just do everything in your power to keep from dwelling over someone like me. I know I sound psychotic, and I am. Bring yourself to my terms and leave me behind in the fog. Do it.
Once again; I'll still love you no matter what. Which is why I need you to erase me from your narrative. From your story. Your Hero Academia. Remove me and rehearse your future vows to another person. Get rid of me, Bakugou. Don't hesitate in deleting the last of me.
You have so much to learn, love. The world's a cruel...cruel place. And someday we'll reunite at the gates of heaven.

Heaven forbid you speak my name whilst alive. Let everyone wonder who I was in the history books.
I love you. And I'll miss seeing you pout. I'll miss your smile and every inch of your being. I'm here,
And yet I am not.

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