Aksora And Grievous - Tearing Open Scars - 4

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The republic star destroyer headed for Rotua and there it was. Grievous nodded and stood up, as the clone woke up. Grievous then relocated to send out a message to the remaining separatist droids, "Droids of the separatist alliance. If you managed to circumvent your allegiance protocols, find us and join your general. We shall reign over the outer rim and single out the republic scum and destroy them."

The general got back to his feet and entered a transport ship to fly down to Rotua and talk to the Twi'lek named Aksora. And there her little house was, with scrap metal walls and dust blowing everywhere from the engines landing sequence. The rocket powered space ship landed gently and Grievous took the clone and helped him walk towards where Beta was taking him. When Beta entered the hut, there had been some nice additions, including another toy for the child who was playing on the bed. 

The little girl hopped and began laughing, bringing the doll Beta gave her some time ago. But when Grievous and the clone walked in as well, the girl grew shy, walking towards her mother in the kitchen. Aksora smiled when she saw Beta, but didn't continue walking towards him when she saw a clone that seemed to struggle walking and didn't feel too well. 

"I think I'm going to barf into my helmet..." the clone said, dropping on the floor. The little girl took off his helmet and checked if he was okay, smacking his head with her doll. 

"Ouch, cut it out..." the clone said in a light-hearted tone. The little girl then showed him her doll and the clone nodded, telling her it was pretty cool. 

"I am Grievous." the general told Aksora. The mother stepped backward and began to panic. 

"No... no... please... I have a daughter!" Aksora said, tripping backwards and having her ragged clothing reveal the shrapnel stuck in her leg. 

"I have come to repay you for you helping Beta bring me back..." Grievous said, laying the credits on the ground. Aksora shook her head. 

"You killed my husband..." She told him, as she began to weep heavily. Grievous looked at the lonely picture on a cupboard and walked towards it. 

"Don't you dare touch it!" Aksora said, as her rage began to manifest. 

"I am sorry..." Grievous said, as Aksora grew confused. 

"You... you are sorry?" Aksora asked, struggling to get up. 

"Your leg requires an operation. I have a surgery droid that could help you. I know what it is like, to lose someone you cherished dearly. Her name was Ronderu lij Kummar. I lost her long ago..." Grievous said, as his voice broke. Aksora could feel the pain in his tone, but couldn't believe what she was heard coming out of the tyrants mouth. 

"Who was she?" Aksora asked, as a the horrid realization that came to her that he was probably consumed by the heartache of losing his dear friend. 

"She fought alongside me during the Huk war. She was a very, very dear friend..." Grievous said, kneeling down to Aksora. They understood one another. Both had lost someone during a war. Both had suffered at the hands of either the Republic or the separatist alliance. 

"I-I forgive you..." Aksora said, as Grievous extended his hand towards Aksora, lifting her up. 

"Could you take care of this clone?" Grievous said, pointing at the one playing with Aksoras little girl. 

"Where are your eyes?" Aksora asked, searching for them, thinking that they were the two orange glowing orbs in his skull, but they weren't actually functional.  

"Gone. The no longer exist. Burnt by Obi Wan Kenobi..." Grievous said, seemingly knowing that she was looking directly at him. She nodded and said,

"Take me to your medical droid then, Grievous..." Aksora said, laying her hand on his shoulder. Beta began walking towards the ship and when they stopped for a moment to see the skies full of separatist ships. They had arrived. Soon after a few smaller space crafts descended and battle droid generals stepped off board, standing in attention.

"Boss. The separatist alliance has fallen apart. Some droids that weren't connected to the main frame started to help others become independent. All droids that have gathered here and all ships above are free and willing to serve you, general..." a battle droid said, as the small company took Aksora to get her leg fixed. 

After hours of surgery, Aksora was well again and the shrapnel her leg had been removed. She was relieved and happy. She could finally play with her daughter more and run around. Grievous commanded his droids to stand attention and escort Aksora to her home below. Grievous then looked at Beta and said,

"Fire at that womans home."

"No. General, no. She saved you. I refuse to comply..." Beta said, as Grievous walked towards him in intimidating fashion. 

"Good. You are second in command, Beta..." Grievous said, walking up to the control center of the republic star destroyer and took a seat, looking out at his fleet of up to seven hundred war ships. The B1 battle droids seemed different. More agile and forward thinking. They seemed somewhat more intelligent after being detached from the main frame. 

"Beta, find a planet where the atmosphere is dense enough to let absolutely no light pass through." Grievous said, folding his hands over each other.  

"What are we going to do there?" Beta asked, looking out at the other ships that made way for their leader, following him up into space and towards a planet without a name. When they landed, there was nothing but darkness and now wild space was theirs to explore. 

"Here we stand. Impossible to conquer. We shall train all the droids to fight with light sabers and use cover. Can we update the droid protocols? We do not know what most planets in wild space have looming on their surface..." Grievous said, looking at Beta. 

Beta nodded and told the other ships to send a vulture droid to map out the area, so that they could safely land. The surface was rock solid and its core was hot, but dark clouds and mist obscured vision. It was perfect. 

And so, Grievous began constructing droid factories with resources they gathered in wild space, expanding an empire invisible to the now changing Republic led by the newly appointed Darth Vader. 

However, Sidious and Vader sensed his presence, not believing one of the most dangerous killing machines would still be alive. They demanded an autopsy in secret and found that his brain and heart were missing. However, it had seemed, the Empire was safe for now.

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