The First Of Many

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Years ago, a team was formed composing of a 'sad, stoic, good boi meme lord', 'a gay disaster', 'a meme king', and 'gay disaster no. 2'

And they were simply known as Team LYTR but because of their meme-ing capabilities, they were forever known as Team SHTPST. This is their story.

Team LYTR interview
Live TV
One year after graduation

Host: And for the final interview of the evening, please welcome Team LYTR.

The team enters and the audience applauds. The team then sit down on their respective places.

Host: Hey, guys, how's it going?
Cas: We're well.
Tai: Just fine.
Barr: Yeah, we're good
Roux: Yep.
Host: That's great to hear. Now, the reason I want to talk to all of you is how impressive your records are and you're all, basically, fresh grads from Beacon.
Barr: Yeah. We didn't even imagine we would get this much publicity since we graduated.
Host: Well, it seems that even before you all graduated, all of you were already gaining traction in the academy.
Tai: We didn't even know that. Huh...
Host: These were just the team accomplishments, I haven't even started talking about your individual performances. I still remember Lucas, here, breaking through the Vytal tournament like it was nothing. With help from the team, obviously...
Tai: We were just as surprised as you. Honestly, we didn't even think of passing the finals. Let alone, the first fight.
Roux: And not to mention, kicking our asses in training even before competing.

The audience gives out a hearty laugh...

Host: So, uh, we're all dying to know, Lucas: how'd you plow through the Vytal toutnament just like crazy?
Cas: We simply did our best and trained long and hard for the wins and, uh, yeah.
Host: Hmm. Alright.
Roux: He's always straight to the point about stuff. You'll get used to it.
Host *chuckles* I hope so! Anyways, although you all were the talk of the academy back then, you all managed to be kept mysterious. And we all would love to know any fun facts about the team.

Team members chuckle as if they were going to start shit on this show...

Tai: Alright...uh, we all had different dreams for ourselves rather than being hunters. I wanted to study law, Barr always wanted to become a hunter, Tai had a knack for cooking, and he still does. Cas, however, wanted to become a biochemist.
Roux: Another fun fact about Cas is that he aced the RIS became the topnotcher for the exam. He scored perfect for all of it and has been considered the smartest Hunter in his age bracket.
Cas: Tai was part of a band called 'No Filler' and was the bassist. Check out their music. It's neat.
Tai: Shameless plug aside...

Audience gives small laughs

Tai: of the most fascinating things I learned about Lucas when I first met him was how kind-hearted he is. Just by looking at him, you wouldn't think he would be that kind of guy because of how stoic he was you know-
Cas: Anyways, there's no need for that. We should be giving facts about each other, not just me.
Tai: Right, right, sorry 'bout that.
Cas: It's alright but speaking of facts, here's a fun fact about us: we all have funny nicknames...

Lucas stares into the camera while giving a faint smile. This lasts for about 15 seconds.

Then 30 seconds...

1 second has passed...

2 seconds have passed...

3 seconds have passed...

4 seconds have passed...

5 seconds have passed...and still not blinking

The feed cuts to commercial...


A/N: Yes, we have JoJo references. I'd say this is a nice introduction to what you'll expect.

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