chapter 1 pg

167 6 1

before we start you might've already seen the pg on the top im gonna put a rateing on every chapter so u know if its 13+ XD
U are 17 Caleb is ya know 24 🥰
y/n's pov

I woke up and check tik tok and I see this REALLY cute boy his name is Caleb I'm assuming he's like 16 or sum so I hit him up on insta
Y/n:hey! Uh-uh think ur cute 🥰
You know I'm so STUPID I realized this after I saw how many followers he has and now I know he is never gonna see this BUT to my surprise 5 min later  I got a response
C:can't say I haven't gotten that before
Y/n:wow humble much
C:it's my talent 😉
Y/n:🙄 you can leave me alone now I have to get dressed
C:jeez feisty much 🤣
End of chat
I leave and get changed 👇

I woke up and check tik tok and I see this REALLY cute boy his name is Caleb I'm assuming he's like 16 or sum so I hit him up on insta Y/n:hey! Uh-uh think ur cute 🥰You know I'm so STUPID I realized this after I saw how many followers he has and ...

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I then posted it on insta and then realized Caleb followed me causing my photos to get 1 k likes EEEKKK

what i wish i knew-caleb finnWhere stories live. Discover now