Screams in the night

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at some point in the night, I fell asleep and had the weirdest dream ever - Mom: Mi Amor Come back to me in Mexico it's not safe there.

I woke up in the middle of the night horrified at my dream, my mom had been dead for years - I calmed down and went back to bed, but this time there was an unpleasant surprise when I woke up

Caleb's POV

I was officially pissed, my therapist says it because I have a "short temper" ... Fuck her through ill feel how I want to. Ugh, I just lost the girl of my dreams and I was gonna get revenge.


I woke up but this time I was not in my room, it felt like I was tied up and I was in a dark cold ... Basement?  I was freaking out. "HELLO?" I yelled "shut it," said the familiar voice and that's when the tears started flowing  " You know your making me feel really bad !? So could you just SHUT IT" that's when the voice clicked - this was no stranger it was "Caleb?"  "let me go!"

" Oh, I'm sorry! Is Mrs. "I stand people up" wanting to go?" wait? he's mad at me because I found out about his hoe? " WHY DIDNT YOU JUST FUCK ALLIE INSTEAD?"

oh no i shouldn't have yelled at him 






" C-Caleb  I'm s-s-s-sorry?GET AWAY FROM ME !"





 i hope you liked this chapter ! i enjoyed making bye ily!

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