My twin

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"So you're Wendy? " I asked the red haired girl in front of me, at least sixteen.
"That's me, I'm sure you've heard a lot abou' me. "
I snorted "If you mean from Dip-dip here, then yes a whole lot. "
He punched my arm, not very hard "Hey! He's just joking! " I rolled my eyes and looked at Dipper .
"So, where are we going? "
"Well, I heard there was a-"
"Look who it is! My special twinny bro! " I sighed and turned around, almost identical. With her long brown and red hair and green eyes, she wore a simple pink dress with a small belt and matching flats "It's so good to see you! It's been what, three years? "

I gave a fake smile "yeah, really long time. Uh, how are you? " I gripped the book in my hands tightly "You seem wonderful. "

She smiled big "Oh, I'm great! You seem the same. Say, what'cha got there? "

"Oh, uh. It's nothing. " I handed Dipper the book "Just a book, is all. " God, why won't she go away? Can she annoy me anymore?
She's already taken all the love, what else does she want?

"Oh, can I join you? We could have an adventure! " She happily jumped up, her skirt showing the shorts she wore underneath. At least she knows how to be modest.

"I guess, If Dipper doesn't mind. It was his idea. " I motioned to Dipper, who was suddenly all red in the face "Dipper? " He looked at me "Can she join us? "

"Oh! Uh, yeah of course! The more the better, right? "

Would be if it wasn't Jessica.

"This way! "


Yay!! I updated!! I'm sorry, junior year has been stressful so I'm here now!! Bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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