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(Cover be me ;3)

Character Introduction:

Darryl/BadBoyHalo/The Demonic Angel - A trained, experienced assassin, part of [Moon], and a Minecraft youtuber, best friends with Skeppy. 

Zak/Skeppy - The son of a rich businessman and a minecraft youtuber, best friends with BadBoyHalo

Alpha - The leader of the criminal gang: [Moon], which is a wanted organisation. Nobody knows who he is, and he's never shown his face. 



I walked to the lift and stepped inside, and the floor slowly moved downwards with a grinding noise, rocking forwards and backwards. It finally screeched to halt outside a heavy metal door, which opened, letting a gust of wind blow my face. I walked through, into a familiar room. You could hear water dripping through pipes above. We were very far down. The walls were spray-painted with [Moon]'s symbol and the only light came from a small candle in the middle of the desk, burning with a tiny flame. Alpha was sitting at the desk, with a hood covering his whole face, like usual. 

'Good evening DA, I have your new assignment,' he said, his voice deep and steady. I nodded and replied, 'I'm all ears, Alpha.' 

'This mission is dangerous, and you are the only one trusted to fulfil this with no issues,' he began. 'I have sent you the location of the victim, and if you are able to assassinate him, we will gain money and your salary will double. His name is Zak Remeirs, and his father owns a large tech company. Although no-one has seen Zak's face in public, I trust you, Darryl to kill him, don't let us down.' I gulped, RemTec was famous worldwide, and this would make the news, for sure. If I fail I would be killed, by either the government, or Alpha, it would expose the society. 

'I won't,' I replied firmly, with determination. This is my chance to get a promotion, to live a better life. After my parents died, I had no money, and ended up working for this criminal gang. A few years later I started YouTube and got a bit of money from that, so I carried on, but I couldn't leave [Moon]. Any assassin who runs away or rebels in any way gets killed, loyalty is key. 

I bowed and walked back towards the lift. I clenched my fists, as the lift went upwards, and vowed that I would kill this Zak, even if it's the last thing I do, for the sake of [Moon], and my life.

Hi! ;3

I hope you enjoyed the prologue!! 

If you did please vote so I know if you want more of this content xD

If you enjoy reading skephalo fanfics, then you can check out my other story! It's called A Room-mate | A Dare | A kiss (Skephalo)

I'll be posting every few days :D

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