Part 12 - ...keep a promise, no matter what

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Warning! This part contains detailed descriptions of blood and this will be sure to break your heart. Viewer discretion advised!


I ran straight over to Darryl, my eyes tearing up. His eyes were half open but he was... smiling? 'Don't cry Zak. Remember what you promised me?' I let the tears stream out from my eyes. 'I promised not to fear death,' I sniffled. 'Yeah, I will always be watching you, if I don't make it through this.' That broke me once more. 'Darryl please don't leave me! I will miss you too much!' I cried out. 'At least I know that I died saving you...' he finished. His head relaxed and I choked on my tears.

I used all my strength to turn him over. I examined his wounds, and prepared myself to pull out the bullet, which was wedged in his muscles. I removed my gloves to avoid infection. I counted down and stuck my hand in. It felt all sticky and weird, but it was my friend talking about. Friend... My fingers reached a cold, smooth cylindric item and I yanked it out. My hand was all red and dripping with blood, but I was happy that I found the bullet. 

My father ran over and was shocked with what he saw. He put his hand on Darryl's heart, and gave me thumbs up. My heart stopped beating for a second when I realised that he was still alive.  'I see you have removed the bullet, we need to get him help immediately. Take him to the hospital and I'll arrest these 3.' I nodded and called 911 for help. 

Time skip - 2hrs

I was waiting outside the hospital room while the doctors and surgeons examined Darryl's condition. For me, time was passing slowly and it just got slower. Minutes felt like hours and I couldn't help but glance at the wall waiting for when the doctors would come and tell me that he was safe and alive. At least that's what I hoped. 

All of a sudden, the doors opened and a doctor in white walked up to me. 'Are you the friend or relative of Darryl Walter?' she asked me, politely. I replied with yes, and took a deep breath in to find out the results. 'I'm sorry but Darryl is in a coma. He hurt some vital bones in the accident. He might wake up or he might pass. It is a 50/50 chance...' 

I couldn't breathe. Darryl was in a coma. I took a deep breath and tried to console myself but I just couldn't. 'Just let it out, you will feel better afterwards,' the doctor urged. I began sobbing and tears ran down my face. Some entered my mouth and it tasted salty. I looked down and saw all my tears splattering down on my jeans. 

I suddenly felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw my father. He pulled me in and I hugged him tightly. 'I'm sorry Zak, I know you and him had a thing...' he apologised. 'We have a thing! He, he will live!' I shouted, trying to reassure myself. My father said nothing, but deep down inside I knew that I needed to keep a promise, no matter what.

[I will always love you] - SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now