Where Is He?

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These past few months on tour have been incredible and challenging too but all in a good way. Iv'e falllen more in love with Larry and his beautiful spirit and things are better than I could ever ask for. Tonight's our last show for the Mrs.Carter Show World Tour and being surrounded by all these amazing people is a huge blessing.

It's almost show time and I have the pre-show jitters already but everyone was doing their best to keep each other calm and grounded. Especially me with everything that was going on and happening so quick back at home with my grandma. She wasn't getting any better and me being far away isn't helping at all. I sat before my personal mirror surrounded by all my girls putting finishing touches to complete their looks. I was already done so I listened to their small talk and also added in a few sayings here and there.

"Dang boobie, you done with your make-up already?!" said Dnay sitting across from me.

"Look at her looking all cute for Larry" said Kimmie dragging out the r.

"Ha Ha, shutup-I'm going to see his fine self right now."

"Werk sis!"

Everyone shouted as I walked out our dressing room and to Larry and Laurent's. I put up my hand to knock but it was cracked so I pushed it open slightly to save myself from Lau's nudity.


"Je ne veux pas cette vie plus Ron...Je ne peux pas faire plus...C'est tout ce que je dois faire?...Où vous désirez rencontrer...Je serai là"
"I don't want this life anymore Ron...I can't do it anymore that's all I have to do?...Where you want to meet?...I have a show...I'll be there."

"Who was that?"

He quickly turned to me as I opened the door wide. He slowly dropped his gaze and pretended to fix his twists in the mirror.

"Just on the phone with someone that's all."

I stood next to him and faced the mirror as he proceeded to mess with his twists. It took me by surprise that he thinks I don't know when he's lying about something.

"Your fidgeting, your twists are fine Larry. Who was that."

"Why you so nosy huh? None of you business."

He cut his eyes and went back to his twists. I was annoyed and frustrated so I turned to walk out but he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back.

"I sorry Mandy...any second now everything me and my brother work us ass off for is gonna be taken away from us and it's going to be my fault. I have to fix this, it fucking up how I perform on stage and how I act, It mess up my mind right now-"

He paused in the middle of his sentence to take a deep breath and close his eyes showing his annoyance with his situation. I took hold of his hand to caress softly, grazing my thumb over his knuckles. His pain was shooting through my hand and up my arm. Which only made my heart ache in response with agony and made an uncomfortable feeling inside. I pulled him tightly to my chest, into my embrace. He finally let out a heavy breath that he's probably held onto for a while and relaxed into me.

"You have to understand, I have to end this to do what I love for the rest of my life, for Lau, and everybody. This my mess Amandy, please not get in it love."

I knew what he meant, what he was talking about. After experiencing what the drugs did to him that night is something I never want to have sight of again. I knew for a fact he wouldn't let me go with him, but I wanted to and needed to. Just to see for myself that he was safe in my sight. But I had to trust that he was going to do the right thing and be smart about it...alone. I had to trust that he'd be okay. I sighed and looked up to him, I put my worries to the side with confidence and a small smile.

"I make an agreement, so it go by easy. I be back before the show begin. Amandy you have to promise me that you not tell my brother where I am. It only get him angry and he worry for nothing, okay?"


"Promise me please?"

"I promise Larry."

He filled me up with warmth and consent from the deep brown pupils staring down on me. He tilt up my chin coming closer until our lips touched. My lips melted against the soft touch of his. The kiss quickly deepened but ended too soon. His hands left my skin, leaving the places of contact cold. He smiled once more before dissappearing out of the dressing room.


I'm tired and fed up with Larry at this point but confused too. Confused because he would never miss something this huge. Sure when we fly apart he late to workshops but not this. Not the last show of the tour, he would never disappoint monster like this. So where the hell is he? I've called more times than I can count and text him. Every call go to voice mail so I know it's off. I threw my phone across the dressing room after I reach his voice mail again. I look over to Amandy on the couch, and she shaking not once has she look up at me.

"Mandy, it's okay I know he comin soon. Don't worry."

I notice the tears rolling down her cheeks onto her lap. I walk over to her and crouch down to her height and rubbed her back.


"I'm so sorry."

"What you sorry for?"

I was confused but I realized why she would feel like that.

"It not you fault, this all Larry-"

"It is my fault."

"What you talking about?"

She looked up at me, her make-up was ruined and smudged all over. Her shaking was only getting worse with every second.

"I don't know where he is...but I think you do."

Immediately I became confused and I make no hesitation in showing it on my face.


"I can't-"

"Amandy, now."

My words came out more roughly and with force. I felt myself getting more upset and my palms starting to sweat.

"He...I heard him on the phone."

"With who?"

"I don't know, I think the name started with an r."

"All of us, walk around and worry for him this whole time and you sit here with you mouth shut and act like you not know a damn thing Amandy!"

I was now on my feet towering over her, I felt the presence of people entering but ignored it. Of course because I was yelling.

"Calm down Lau." In comes Jay.

"Calm down?!... No, you not understand at all."

Adrenaline rushed through me with force, I clenched my jaw to contain it but it no help at all. Just the thought of Larry being hurt was unbearable. I not know what I do without him and I not want to find out. This was my family; blood or not, they just were. But Larry mean the world to me and no one can ever take place of him. I need to find him now, I need to find mon frère. So I leave.

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