Chapter 4

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*after school*
Annie's POV:
I started walking over to Ashers house and each step I took I felt more and more butterflies fill my stomach. I was a few blocks away from the school until someone walked up to me.
Asher: hey
Annie: oh hey
Asher: so your probably wondering why I wanted to meet up with you at my house, right?
Annie: I mean yeah. It's just kinda random for you to invite me to your house
Asher: well I just...wanted to hangout with you I guess
Annie: oh...that's cool
THATS COOL!?!? I really couldn't think of anything else?
Asher: yeah...I guess...anyways, how have you been
Annie: ummm I've been great
Ya know other than not being able to get you off my mind and when I think about you with Peyton I need to restrict myself from crying but other than that I'm fantastic!
Annie: how about you? How have you been?
Asher: I'm good, things are definitely going for sure
Annie: clearly
I mumbled under my breath which I thought wasn't audible, but apparently Asher has some good ears
Asher: whats was that?
Annie: nothing!
Asher: ok? Well, how's Hayley?
Annie: she's good. She's been talling to your little brother a lot lately
Asher: oh yeah, Avi and Hayley FaceTime almost every night
Annie: yeah, I really do think she likes him
Asher: oh I know for a fact Avi likes Hayley
Annie: really now?
Asher: oh yeah! He told me
Annie: oh
Asher: yeah, but don't tell him I told you because then he'll think your gonna tell Hayley and if you tell Hayley he won't tell me anymore of his secrets and I won't have anymore tea to tell
Annie: umm, ok? I can see your favorite word in the dictionary is "tell" apparently
Asher: oh my gosh, how'd you know?
Annie: just a guess
Asher and I started laughing and just talked about random topics on the way to his house. Once we made it to his house his parents nor his sibling here home. He grabbed my hand, dragged me to the living room and we both sat down on the couch.
Asher: so what's been happening in you life the past few months?
Annie: nothing much, how about you?
Asher: same here.
Annie: how are you liking it in Millerstown?
Asher: everything you said it'd be
Annie: really?
Asher: yeah, eventually it got better
Annie: that's great! I'm glad your finally liking it here!
Asher: me too, but no matter what I'm always gonna miss Pittsberry
Annie: well that's natural, you know Pittsberry as home and it forever will be,
I paused in the middle of my sentence and looked down at my hands while fidgeting my fingers
Annie: but sometimes things change...and you have to move on, you have to let it go, no matter how much it hurts you
Asher: Annie, are you ok?
Annie: yeah, yeah I'm fine
A few teardrops fell onto my cheek and I quickly wiped them away. I really didn't want Asher to see me cry, but when I wiped away my tears it was obvious. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I rested my head on his shoulder as I let a few more tears slip away
Asher: what's on your mind?
Annie: yo-...nothing, I meant nothing
Asher: Annie, whatever's on you can tell me
Oh thank God! He's still as oblivious as he was a few months ago, well I mean, to be dating Peyton you have to be pretty oblivious
Annie: it's nothing Asher
Asher: do you promise?
I stayed silent for a second and Asher spoke again
Asher: more importantly, do you pinky promise?
I stayed silent. I didn't want to promise Asher anything that I was going to break in 2.5 seconds.
Annie: look, how about we just...get going
Asher: so there is something going on
Annie: Asher can we please just go buy this gift
Asher: not until you tell me what's going on
Annie: well then I guess we're not buying that gift
Asher: please tell me Annie, you know I hate seeing you hurt
Annie: really!? You hate seeing me hurt!? Then why did you just vanish!?
Asher: what?
Annie: you just-never mind...let's just go
I pushed myself up from the couch and started walking towards the door. Asher followed me out the door as he closed it behind him. We then started making our way to the mall.

Annie has some slip ups this chapter but Asher's oblivious af so it was all ok😂 Asher is literally me bc my friends will make something so obvious and I still won't get it

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