Chapter 12

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We're gonna skip to lunch, k? K
Annie's POV:
I sat down at a lunch table with Asher instead of my other friends because I know they feel some type of way about him.
Asher: you don't have to sit here if you don't want
Annie: why wouldn't I?
Asher: because your friends are all over there
Annie: but you right here. Yes, my friends might be over there, but they can wait
A smile formed on Asher's and his smile made me smile. I don't understand how someone could be so cute. Asher and I kept talking for a while until Jayden, Kenzie, and Lauren came up and sat next to me and Carson, Johnny, and Armani sat next to Asher. I gave them all a confused look and so did Asher.
Annie: um-
Jayden: just accept it
Annie: ok then
Asher: uh-
Carson: you still have some tests to pass, but for now I'll let you slide
Asher: ok?
Annie: Asher don't listen to him. He's just overly protective
Carson: just doing my job
Annie: that's not your job
Carson: ok Anns, whatever you say
I rolled my eyes at Carson and I saw Asher chuckle under his breath. I looked over to the girls and they were staring at my wrist
Jayden: Anns that's so pretty
Kenzie: it's beautiful
Lauren: I'm so jelly
Annie: th-thanks
Jayden: who got it for you?
Annie: um-
Asher: I did...
I turned to Asher while he had a smile on his face. I returned the smile and out of the corner of my eye I saw the girls freaking out and the boys questioning each other about what's going on. The rest of the lunch period I tried talking with Asher, but the girls kept drawing my attention towards them because they were freaking out. It wasn't so bad though because the boys were actually getting along with Asher. Once the bell rang we all cleaned up our table and walked to our lockers. As I was closing my locker from getting my books I saw Asher leaned up against the lockers next to mine
Asher: hey
Annie: hey you. What are you doing at my locker
Asher: I thought I'd just come by and say hi
Annie: well that's sweet of you, now run along and go get your books before class starts, I don't want to be the reason your late
Asher: Anns it's fine, I packed my books in advance
Annie: why?
Asher: so I could stop by and see you
Annie: awww
Asher smiled showing which showed of his adorable dimples. Ugh! Why is he so damn cute!
Asher: hey Anns, can you explain something to me?
Annie: sure, what is it?
Asher: if we aren't doing any work why do we need our books?
Annie: because you never know when your teacher is gonna go psycho on you and give you work
Asher: you know I had that happen to me yesterday
Annie: really?
Asher: yeah
Annie: what class?
Asher: math
Annie: well the math teachers a nut so that explains it, did you bring your books?
Asher: yeah because Peyton told me to, but she never gave me an explanation
Annie: well that's one thing she was good for
Asher: yeah...
Annie: hey's fine. I understand your pain. I'm here for you, just like you were there for me
Asher: thanks Annie...I really need someone to be here for me
Annie: well I'm glad I can be that someone
Asher: too

I have no inspiration and it shows😬

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