DAY ONE: 17:32 PM

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renjun laid in his bed, peacefully scrolling though his social media accounts. it was soon to be dinner time, the whole camp had dinner together at 6 pm. renjun's stomach growled at the thought of food, causing renjun to stare at the small alarm clock on his bed-side table. it lightened up in violent red numbers, displaying 17:35 pm. huh. only three minutes had passed. it had felt like hours.

renjun let his eyes glide through the very narrow room. his roommate jaemin had yet to show up, and at one point renjun even thought he wasn't at the campsite at all. he supposed he'd find out at dinner. the dayly dinner was an obligation. so were breakfast and lunch. everything you ate at the camp, you ate together. doyoung had said something along the lines of "dinner time is bonding time."

renjun slighly gagged at the thought of doyoung's excitement involving anything related to the camp. why is doyoung so ecstatic about this whole camp thing? personally, renjun found it to be more of a punishment for doyoung than for himself. doyoung was the one that had to pretend to enjoy every little second of this thing here, renjun could put on the crankiest face and he'd get away with it perfectly fine.

once again renjun looked at the alarm clock impatiently, cursing at it when it displayed 17:42 pm. time passed so slow in this place. this cabin in specific, was particularly dead. renjun has only been here for a couple of hours and he had already concluded that the many more hours he was going to spend here, were going to be with anyone but lee jeno. oh, how he hated the boy.

it's not that jeno said or done something to upset renjun, it's more that he said and did nothing at all. jeno acted as if renjun was invisible, completely ignoring renjun at rare moments of antisocial renjun desperately trying to start up a conversation. and when he did reply, which again didn't happen often, they were curt replies. it was as if every word said to renjun was wasted air and energy for jeno. the last part of that was the hardest for renjun to deal with.

at home, he had his friends that understood when he wanted to talk but didn't want to initiate a conversation. they understood him when he needed attention but was too shy to ask for it. but lee jeno, he was just something unbelievable. the thought of jeno infuriated renjun. 

and on top of that, he hadn't met na jaemin yet and he was sharing his damn room with him. renjun already was in an exceptionally bad mood, and somewhere he suspected that this jaemin was only going to worsen it. well, to be honest, at this point anything would worsen renjun's mood. anything but damn food that is, his stomach roared up loudly once again and renjun groaned as he clutched his stomach. he was at a band camp that he would give anything for to not be at right now, his own damn brother dragged him into this and vanished into thin air as soon as they'd left the coach, and now he was all by himself. except for fucking jeno

that made renjun think. usually, he didn't mind being alone. he doesn't quite enjoy it as much as being surrounded by his best friends, but he definitely didn't mind it at all. alone time was his time to process all his social activities for the day. being alone put his mind to rest, and that's something renjun regularly needed. his mind was often clouded with thoughts, often random and unrealistic. every time renjun had a social interaction, his mind went into overdrive trying to come up with possible routes the interaction could take. renjun tried to be as prepared as possible to avoid awkward situations, which unfortunately still happened more often than he liked to admit.

but, of course, lee jeno had completely thrown that off the bus aswell. by now, he'd gotten the hang of jeno's unresponsiveness. but the first minutes were so undeniably uncomfortable. those moments made renjun want to dissappear into the earth for a while so both parties would forget it ever happened. but no, lee jeno, lee fucking jeno.. renjun let out a frustrated sigh.

at some point renjun was surprised by himself. he felt so much resent towards jeno that he felt as if he's being unfair. he judged a book by it's cover. maybe jeno was just as antisocial as him? he'd been a massive hypocrite if that's the case. but that's something renjun preferred not to think about. for now he was perfectly fine hating jeno untill the blonde proved himself otherwise.

renjun glanced at his alarm one last time, and felt relief wash over him at it now displayed 17:55 pm. finally, food.

renjun hurriedly got up, almost losing his balance and stumbled against one of the small cupboards. once he'd regained his balance, he jumped into his shoes and rushed out of his room. renjun blindly ran into the empty hallway, or so he thought.

he felt himself collide with another person, maybe a little taller than himself. the second time in that minute, renjun lost his balance and fell onto the other person. he let out a quiet "oof", and slowly looked up. he was greeted by a pair of big doe eyes, soft pink lips that curled into a cute but dorky smile and soft tufts of blonde hair that reached the male's eyes. 

renjun let out a shaky breath. this was possibly the hottest guy he'd ever laid his eyes on. 

the blonde male brushed his hair out of his face, and slowly sat himself and renjun up. renjun was absolutely paralyzed, entranced by the male's beauty. he was speechless, how could someone be this pretty?

no, pretty was an insult. he was so fucking beautiful.

the male shook renjun's shoulder's a little, and renjun quickly snapped out of his trance. he scrambled to his feet and dusted off his jeans. he was flustered even further when the blonde straightened renjun's shirt and ruffled his hair.

"hello, i believe we haven't met before? my name is na jaemin." the male said softly.

renjun just about lost it from his voice. 

"you're hot." he blurted out.

jaemin's eyes widened, and his eyebrows rose. he then proceeded to giggle very cutely.

meanwhile, it took renjun a couple of seconds to realize what he'd just said. oh FUCK.

renjun's face quickly turned beet red, while he was busy trying to hide every square part of it and come up with an excuse.

"s-sorry i didn't mean to say that." he mumbled, but then groaned at himself again as he felt himself grow more uncomfortable with the second. "you're hot- that's not what i meant but i just d-didn't mean to blurt that out so quickly, a-and oh my god i'm so sorry-" renjun breathed out rapidly, as he mentally slapped himself.

jaemin noticed how distressed renjun was and took the brunette's face in his hands as he told him to calm down. "breathe in, breathe out." he repeated a couple of times, untill he thought renjun was calm enough to breathe by himself again.

"let's do that again, alright?" jaemin smiled and stuck out his hand. renjun nodded weakly.

"i'm na jaemin, nineteen." (and never fucking learned how to read)

renjun smiled shyly as he stuck out his hand and shook jaemin's. 

"huang renjun, nineteen."

jaemin smiled playfully and dragged renjun closed by his hand.

"for the record, i think you're hot aswell."

and that alone started a massive swarm of butterflies in renjun's abdomen.

this day just got so much better.


i feel as if this is quite literally the most boring ass chapter ever. 

not checked on spelling errors

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