DAY ONE: 18:14

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renjun and jaemin had ran to the largest cabin on the site. doyoung had explained that the cabin was used at a place to rally up for events, to have breakfast, dinner and lunch, and where doyoung and kun slept in case of emergency. they were late, due to their little accident in their own cabin. jaemin had sat down next to another blonde boy that renjun didn't recognise.

renjun's cheeks were still blushing red. na jaemin.. how had he been able to deal with the situation so swiftly? he had moved on so quickly and now it seemed nothing had ever happened.
the keyword there was seemed, because the event was still very much so replaying over and over again in renjun's head. and every time it replayed, renjun's stomach fluttered.

"you don't look so good to me." a short boy with black hair looked him up and down. his eyes screamed disinterest. he was wearing cuffed jeans and a crimson crop top, and had a delicate choker wrapped around his neck. his fingers were stained with black ink, but it was clear that the boy had tried to wash it off. 

"u-uh, no thank you.. i'm quite fine." renjun quickly replied, eager to avoid socializing with his fellow camp-goers at all costs. however, his effort to stop the conversation was in vain. the boy sighed, and looked up at the ceiling of the cabin.  

"listen, you look like you hate being here just as much i do. do me a favor and keep me company so i can rant about how much this place fucking sucks." renjun stared at the boy in silence, speechless at how the latter was able through his mask so effortlessly.  "you can call me ten, because you're not gonna be able to say my real name."

renjun felt at a loss of words. he'd just made contact with someone and he'd barely said one sentence. in some kind of way, he felt relieved that he'd made some kind of friend on the first day and that he wouldn't have to try and talk to lee jeno or na jaemin (of which the latter renjun would rather avoid than embarrass himself again). i should take this opportunity and at least try to make something of this stupid camp.

"uh- hello, my name is huang renjun." renjun tried, but ten chattered over him. "-and they didn't even pair me up with the piece of hot ass that sat in front of me in the bus. i mean, i'm prepared to pay for a place in that cabin." ten ranted, and groaned loudly. it was silent for a few counts, and the servers delivered the food to their table. renjun took a large bite of beef, and then ten gave him a serious look.

"you're gay." ten stated. "wait, no. you're bi." renjun squealed, and in that very moment choked on his beef which he had not swallowed yet. he folded over, and started coughing hysterically. everyone in the small cafeteria looked over to see what was going on, some even snorted quietly. ten just kept on staring seriously.

"sorry, what?" renjun panted after his coughing fit was over. "you're gay, you heard me." ten said again, and renjun gave him a look of disbelief. "can you keep your voice down, damn it!" he whispered, and quickly looked around him to check if anyone had heard what ten said. 

"you don't have to be so prude about it, it's so obvious." ten said, and crossed his arms over his chest. he snorted when renjun gave him a look, but yelped as he was kicked in the shins under the table. "git," he mumbled under his breath.

"alright, fine." renjun surrendered, and sighed in frustration. "yes, you guessed right. i'm gay."

ten smirked, and hit renjun on the shoulder in a friendly manner. "two gays on band camp, what could go wrong?" renjun swallowed thickly as he recalled the events with na jaemin once again. 

he's my roommate.. what could go wrong?

"well fuck me in the ass, there he is!" ten piped up, and discreetly pointed to the entrance of the cafeteria. through the heavy oak double doors came a tall, slender boy that looked around the same age as qian kun and kim doyoung. he was wearing a crew shirt as well, so he was probably apart of their team, renjun guessed. his hair was also chocolate brown, but with some caramell highlights. his face looked like that of a model's, and renjun quickly realized why ten was so fond of this guy's appearance. he was hot, renjun agreed. why is everyone in this camp so fucking hot?

"don't you think he looks like that model from teen vogue?" ten asked, staring at the handsome man while shoving food down his throat. renjun was not particularly active on social media, and didn't pay mind to the entertainment industry. but ten was right, this guy looked like someone he'd seen on a billboard at the airport. could it be?

his thoughts were interupted by doyoung and kun gathering the attention on the opposite side of the cafeteria, as all the chattering calmed down, doyoung started speaking. "i hope you were all able to find your cabin and unpack some of your stuff. i do recommend to make friends with your cabin mates, as they will be the people you live with for the next 8 weeks!" renjun thought about jeno and jaemin, and then felt the sudden urge to cry as he realized that he did, in fact, had to live with them for the next 8 weeks. 

"dinner will be served in this cafeteria every week day, at 6 pm sharp. breakfast and lunch will also be served here. breakfast from 8 to 9:30 am, and lunch from 12 to 13:30 pm. make sure you eat enough, because we don't want anyone fainting of famine." 

"like last year," ten muttered softly. renjun gave him a funny look.

"every night from now on, unless specifically addressed, your curfew will be at 10 pm, lights out at 11. don't let us catch you out of your cabin or measures will have to be taken." kun explained seriously, and looked at doyoung to continue the speech.

"that being said, i would like to introduce you to dong sicheng, who will be your morning activities instructor. he will make sure you're all warmed up for the fun activities we'll be doing together. yay!" doyoung said excitedly, but no one yay'ed back at him. doyoung looked into the audience awkwardly, and motioned for dong sicheng to come over. 

"introduce yourself please." doyoung asked sicheng politely, to which the latter nodded. 

"hello everyone, as doyoung said my name is sicheng and i am 23 years old as well. i expect everyone to be on the field, ready with your yoga matt and instrument at 10 am sharp. good performance will be rewarded. any questions?" sicheng stood at ease and waited for someone to raise their hand.

"yes, you." sicheng pointed at ten, who had raised his hand. "will you be the reward if i perform well tomorrow?" ten asked with a large grin on his face, and blush creeped up sicheng's neck instantly.

"i- what!? of course not!" sicheng exclaimed, and quickly found himself staring at the windows on the side of the room to distract himself. the cafeteria burst out in giggles and wolf whistles. kun quickly stepped foward and wished everyone a good supper and chatter returned to the room. 

"happy with the results?" renjun asked ten with a lopsides smile on his face. ten just sighed dreamily, and put his hands together behind his head. "he's a sugary snack and i happen to have a huge sweet tooth." he said with an airy voice. 

after supper, everyone returned to their cabins. renjun sat in his extremely narrow bedroom as he unpacked his suitcase. time flew by, and all the male could think of was he and jaemin having to sleep in this bedroom together. luckily they each had their own beds, but just the thought of being in jaemin's presence.. it sent shivers down renjun's spine. he was unneccesarily nervous about this, he knew that. 

but as he waited and waited, jaemin never showed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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