The star touch elf prince- chpt. 6

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"Hello small elves i must thank you for saving my son azymondias you truly are a hero but I hear you have a younger brother who found his egg is that true son of Drake?" Lightning said while lowering her head to be face to face with Callum.

"Yes my younger brother ezran." callum said while reaching down and grasping Raylas hand and intertwined his fingers with hers.

"Yes the son of harrow late king of katolis, don't worry Callum i won't kill your brother since my son is safe i no longer want his life." the queen said while letting Zym on the ground.

"Curoh." Zym said while running to Callum and Rayla.

"Hey Zym." Callum said while getting on his neahs to hug Zym, As Zym welcomed he started giving Callum his signature zappy kisses.

"Come here Azymandias there doing something very important." Lightning said while picking Zym up.

"Ok let's begin tell me Rayla do you know how to dance." Drake said while sitting in a chair with a harp in front of it.

"Not really i know how to dance a little." Rayla said while messing with the kuff on her arm. "Tell me why do i have to wear this kuff."

"It will bind your soul to Callums linking you two together this is a soul harp it will let you two know how to use the others skills it is safer when using this then without it now lets begin." Drake said while his started playing his soul harp the melody filled the room.

"You ready." Callum said as he locked his fingers through hers and placed his other hand on her waist. "Yeah." Rayla replied in a nervous tone, as he began moving and she moved in sync with his movements. The music filled the room as they danced hand in hand the cuffs on their arm started glowing causing marks to form under them, as they formed images started forming in Raylas mind all of the images were of the dance choreography Callum was doing she started moving with him matching his every move, the beautiful scene could only be called a work of art the two danced for an hour straight without noticing how long it dragged on.
"Ok that's enough i don't know how much longer I can play this harp." Drake said while drawing the music to a close.

"I do have to admit that even mesmerized me that takes a lot of skill, now lets see what your binding marks look like." Lightning said while lowering her head to be eye level with drake as he walked over to them.

"What do you mean binding mark." Callum said while looking at Rayla.

"Take off the cuffs they only needed 5 minutes to work but it definitely worked after you danced for an hour. Drake said while looking at his fingertips, "And killed my fingertips," he mumbled as Rayla and Callum took off the cuffs revealing marks in the shape of a moon and a star.

"A moon and a star i haven't seen that in a long time isn't it one of the best marks a moonshadow elf and a startouch elf can get." Lightning said while looking at the two of them.

"Yes i haven't seen this in awhile you two truly are meant for each other." Drake said, "Well you two should go celebrate your union, tomorrow we will go back to katolis but I figure you have some questions about this and before you say it i'm the only one who can use the soul instruments meaning i'm the only one who can use the ritual that's why i had to abandon sarai but i know she was okay with your father so I know she was happy definitely not what i could have given her especially since Aaravos has been banished and you were too young to have been able to play the soul instruments and by the time you could have been able to use them your mother would have been dead it takes 100 years for your to even be able to play a full song let alone the soul union song Callum I didn't want to let her suffer." Drake said while Tears started running down his face.

"That's why you left you didn't want to let her or me suffer." Callum said while hugging Drake before saying. "I forgive you."

"Thank you Callum you don't know how much that means to me i have wanted to hear those words ever since i left." Drake said, "now go to Rayla i need to think and talk with my old friend you should go to her don't make the same mistake I did." Drake said before releasing him and pushing him towards Rayla and casting a spell teleporting them back to the room they were in earlier.

"Do you think he is the boy in the last proficy Aarovos ever made before we found out what he did." Lightning said while pulling him into her trying to comfort her old friend.

"Who knows those things are in the past, I just want to live in the present and not live like my idiot brother did he never looked at the present the only time he did was when he found Lyrah too bad she was killed he was never the same after that i just wish i could have helped." Drake said while clenching his fist.

"I know Drake me and Thunder knew how hard it was for you to seal him."Thunder said while resting her claw on his shoulder.

"OK to make up for this short chapter the author has deiced well has allowed me to answer the burning questions the followers of this might have for me." Sincerely Drake 

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