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Johnny had ridden through Anthem hastily, weaving around people who were setting out on another night of destruction. Some were lighting more buildings on fire, and still more were smashing through shop windows that had managed to survive the looting of the previous night. Johnny kept his head down, his chin resting against Jenny's head, and he breathed in the scent of her hair; the infernal smell of smoke beginning to overpower the scent of mint that still lingered on her curls.

Jenny hadn't moved at all from the death grip she had on him, burying her face in his chest. Johnny felt dampness through his shirt that he was certain were her tears, and guilt clawed at his heart. He sighed and clenched his jaw, shifting into fourth gear to try to get them where they were going faster. He felt sorry for Jenny, a little excited that there was someone else like him now, and at the same time he was absolutely furious.

He was angry with himself for not stopping Abraxas before he pulled this stupid stunt, and he was disappointed in himself that he'd just sat there and let this happen. He was also annoyed with Jenny for coming down to Earth on a lark and getting them into this mess in the first place. Stupid angels don't understand how anything works, he thought, that feeling he had been trying to shake since the night before stirring in his chest. Now what do I do with her?

They were only a few blocks away from Mountainside Apartments when Johnny pulled up in front of a store that had been looted the night before. He cut the engine and kicked out the stand, drawing Jenny's arms away from him, setting her hands down in her lap. She hung her head, her hair cascading down like a veil around her face. Johnny sat there with her for a moment wondering why he had the urge to brush her hair back and to make her happy again. He shook his head and drew his legs from underneath hers and climbed off the bike. Johnny gently set his hands on her knees to make sure she was sitting steadily before he walked into the shop through the shattered store window.

He dug through piles of shelving and clothing racks that had been hauled over in the madness of the looting as Jenny slid off of the motorcycle gingerly, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. Johnny spared another look up at her, and again a feeling that he couldn't identify twisted in his chest, making his breath catch. She looked like she was freezing, and her cheeks were stained green with the tracks of her tears.

Jenny looked absolutely lost, and Johnny's heart fell out of rhythm for a moment. He stared at her, trying to get control of whatever was happening to him, trampling down the thoughts trying to creep into his mind. He went back to digging through the mess of the shop, looking for anything that Jenny might be able to wear. Most people had gone after jewelry and expensive items, leaving anything they couldn't hock at pawn shops for profit. That meant that clothes and shoes were ignored by many, and that's what Johnny was betting on.

After some searching in the back of the store, he came up with a black denim jacket. This will help a little with the cold, Johnny thought. Jenny seemed to be discovering that her new raised body temperature would make even a hot summer night feel like a frigid winter morning. Angels, by nature, were usually cold to the touch, and caused temperatures to lower whenever they arrived in a place. Angels were like ice cubes, and demons were like hot coals. It was just the way of the universe.

She's infernal now, though, he thought. Made of angel stock. She'll be so powerful—if she survives the night. Heaven On High won't take this lightly. Johnny cursed Abraxas as he dug through and found a navy colored shirt that seemed like it would fit Jenny, and a pair of gray pants made of stretchy, loose fabric. They might fit her well, he thought. A little long, but they're going to have to be good enough. He went to another area and dug around, coming up with some canvas sneakers.

The Anthem Saga: Left In The Dark -- Four Chapter PreviewWhere stories live. Discover now