Private Lesson

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The Casino floor was thick with clouds of cigar smoke and loud laughter emanating from the high staked Blackjack game at the center of the room. Consistent clinking from the pulled slot machine levers added to the cacophony that consumed the inebriated crowd and robbed them of their better judgment.

"Los Vegas is a beautiful, discreet city of many secrets and treats, the woman said in a sultry tone as she made eye contact with the tall dark and handsome male sitting one barstool away." He seemed to be too distracted to have noticed her attention on him. So, she decided to watch for a few moments before approaching.

The handsome male ordered another drink. "I'm sorry sir, but I can't serve you any more drinks tonight, the scantily clad male bartenders shouted over the blaring music into Jongin's ear." Jongin contemplated his rebuttal before responding back to the short stature platinum blond.

The fifth drink was all he needed to channel a much darker side of himself, and the only obstacle in his way was some skinny wafe with an inhuman amount of energy. Jongin was sure that the unexplained elongated streaks of light emitting from the half-filled tumbler he was holding had nothing to do with the strobe lights oscillating above.

"I've given you no reason or indication that I am too drunk to coherently make responsible decisions." Jongin paused for a beat before continuing, and the bartender took his brief silence as a cue to butt-in. "Sure, sir, but this is your last drink; you don't want to get me in trouble right."

The blond male winked with a knowing smile on his face. Then a crystal glass was placed before him with a silent clatter. "Finally, my salvation is here, Kai said before tilting the crystal glass to his mouth." "I will be free to play as Jongin tonight, he thought to himself as he caught a glimpse of someone breathtakingly beautiful out the side of his eye." His thought stream continues as his body-mind reinforced their connection as the brown liquid blazed in a steady stream down his throat. "I will eat up any lie you tell me just to get a chance to touch you, he thought while taking mental notes on the stranger's body proportions."

Jongin almost moaned after the last drop of liquor hit his tongue. "I know you've been watching me Nini, the sensual woman said matter of fact." Jongin almost choked on the smog of smoke in the air at hearing his pet name. He felt like throwing a tantrum on the spot. "No, he grimaced internally." "I'm supposed to be Jongin tonight, he thought defiantly."

"Yes, sweetheart, I'm talking to you!" The woman said unblinkingly as she stood from her seat. "May I take you back to my room?" The woman pulls out a black hotel key and places it on the bar beside the empty glass. Then she leaned forward and placed a breathy kiss to the spot between Kai's jawline and neck. "I expect you to follow me after 30 mins." "Do not leave this spot not a minute before, she commanded!"

Silence fell over them again, but the woman did not move from her position. Instead, she lingered there, ghosting her lips over his neck while she indulged herself on his sweet sent. "Let me kiss you first, Kai spoke in almost a whisper as he turned his head searching for the woman's perfect pout." Kai was caught by surprise, when the woman shot up from her position and roughly trapped both his cheeks between her thumb and forefinger. "Did I say you can kiss or look at me, Nini?" Then she roughly turned his head back in the direction of the bar in front of them. "Keep your eyes on blondie's very tight ass until its time for you to come to my room, the woman said with authority." 30 min later, Kai found himself on all fours waiting outside the door of his Dom's suite with his tie in his mouth.

His internal battle had bubbled to the surface and sent him instantly into submissive mode. The door opens and Kai all but wags his invisible tail. "Ms. Nina is what you will call me during our session tonight." "Be a good boy and come in." Nina grabbed on to the tie in Kai's mouth, somehow communicating through a gesture that meant; allow your tie to be your leash as I lead you into my room. Nina led Kai to the bed and let go of the leash.

"You have experience don't you, Ms. Nina asked rhetorically while stroking his soft cheek." "Take everything off now Nini, Nina demanded." With haste, each layer was peeled off and neatly placed on the armchair in the corner of the room. "Should I fuck you, her face twisted in deep thought as she glided her hands over Kai's plush ass. Smack, the sound resounded off the walls of the room and tickled the fine hairs deep within their inner canals as it dissipated against their eardrums.

Something warm spread over Jongin's bare skin as Ms. Nina continued to fondle him. "Ooh, I did not know this was possible, but I believe you are wet." Smack. His body shuddered, and his knees buckled from his fleeting orgasm. "Responsive, Ms. Nina said in a whisper taken back by her own arousal to Kai's response to her ministration."

By now Kai's whole body was flushed; the picture of perfection with his lips and penis engorged with blood so sensitive to the touch he could come screaming if only Ms. Nina stroked him. "Get on your knees now, and open your pretty little mouth." He obeyed, waiting with the sparkling jewelry that complemented his tongue. "For me, Nina mused excitedly!" She stood in front of Kai's kneeling frame with crimson red silk see-through panties. Kai delighted by the view hungrily stared after the supple skin that slightly bulged around the cut of the high waist garment.

"Those are in the way, he said in reference to the barely-there number." She was close enough for Kai to smell her naturally sweet aroma commingling with the scent of her perfume. "May I have a taste please, Kai said as his mouth watered from expectation." Nina moved close enough for Kai to bury his nose in between the fabric of her panties and the crook of her upper thigh.

Like a kitten, he bathed himself in her essence; occasionally exploring her clothed folds with the metal barbell that was strategically placed just at the tip of his tongue. Nina surprised by how much she was enjoying the oral massage, plunged both her hands into Kai's hair and pulled at his strands mercilessly. With tears welling up at the corners of Kai's eyes and Nina's unwavering grip growing tighter; the pain was disorienting. But he refused to stop pleasuring his Mistress.

Out of breath and face glistening with Nina's feminine juices, he spoke his demands. "Please, pull harder Mistress I need to feel... Suddenly Kai stood in one motion forcing Nina to release her hands from his hair. "Rap your legs around me and don't question, Kai said in a stern tone." On top of the bed now with legs pressed firmly to her chest, Kai continued his tongue play. Slow, languid flicks and deep bed rocking two fingers thrust had Nina screaming with her rolling orgasm.

"STOP!" Nina managed to belt out! The room went silent; even the white noise of the air conditioner seemed to cease its protest. After a couple of heartbeats, Kai lifted himself from is Mistress and got on all fours on the floor beside the bed. Nina's breath was still erratic, and her chest was still heaving violently when a knock at the door surprised them both.

(to be continued...)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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