The Accident- Chapter 2

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"Harry just calm down. Your suppose to be use to this by now." Louis said contently.

"I'm suppose to be use to my boyfriend, the love of my life, kissing some chick that management hooked him up with because we cant come out to the public? I'm just not suppose to give a crap about it?" I said with distraught in my voice.

"You know that's not what I meant. Harry you know I'm absolutely crazy about you. We've been together for 3 years and Eleanor's only been part of us for two years. I don't like going out with her just as much as you don't like seeing me with er. Harry shes just in it for more attention. Her fucking fathers the head of Modest." His voice cracking.

"Lou don' t cry. I just don't like her I wanna hold you, kiss you, and pinch your bum in public." I laughed.

He choked out a little laugh, "Baby, I'll be home in 5 minutes OK?"

"OK, boo I love you so much bye." I said.

"Wait Har-

The line went dead "Louis, Louis what happened?"

It was probably some joke, he always does that to me.

3 hours later

Louis said he'd be home in 5 minutes its 3 hours later, were the hell is he. I tried his cell phone and no answer, I starting to get worried. Tomorrow our is 4 year anniversary.

Hey its the Tommo King leave the message after theeeeeeee beatttttttttttttttt.

Lou its Harry, It's not funny anymore Where are you? I'm getting worried.

*Playing Irresistible by One Direction*

I read the number on my cell phone


"Um hello?

"Hello this Cheshire Community Hospital, um do you a Mr.Tomlinson?" The young lady said.

Cheshire Hospital? What do they want with Louis?

"Um yes, I do may I ask why your calling?" I croaked.

"I'm sorry to inform you that Louis Tomlinson has been in a severe car crash. He's in a critical condition, and you were on the emergency list on his cell phone, under the name Boobear? I'm so sorry." She said mournfully.

I couldn't speak, my body it caves in, my world imploded inside me, time seems slower, it's an unbearable madness going on in my head. It feels like I'm drowning, the air just became thin, like the atmosphere is gone, I fell straight on the tile floor head first. I screamed as loud as I could to get all the extra breath out of my system, i felt liquid beneath my locks. When i stretched my nimble finger up to the back of my head. I looked at my hand and the tip of them were covered in blood.

"Sir, hello are you OK? An ambulance is on their way." The line buzzing as it went the line went dead.

*End of Flashback*

When I walked home to Louis and my's flat, I broke down, I thought about that atleast everyday. When I opened the shiny brown door, Zayn was there watching Family Guy, once the door opened his head shot over. When he saw the tears flowing down my pale cheeks, he ran straight over to me.

"Hazzy, what's wrong?" Zayn's eyes were the most beautiful color, they made me

"I keep thinking about Lou." I sniffled.

(Athuors note: Don't get dirty minded u little pervs ;))

Zayn pulled me towards the bed room, he stripped me of my pants and shirt , he did the same to himself. He pulled me under the covers and snuggled in to me so my head was on his chest. He ran his long, but skinny fingers through my hair, which was probably greasy. Zayn always knew how to comfrot me, I have to admit I have a little crush on Zayn, after these past few weeks he was the only one here for me. The other boys care, but not like this, but I will be faithful to Louis. I have to be.

The next Day

I woke up wrapped in Zayn's strong arms, our legs tangled. When i tried to slip through his grip he pulled me straight back in. He mumbled something about how he was warm and not to leave. So I stayed and drifted back into a deep slumber.

"Harry." "Harry" "HARRY!''

"What.'' I said stubbornly my face shoved into my pillow.

"Look at me." The voice familiar said, it can't be.

I looked up to a messy, not groomed Louis, my jaw dropped, words trying to escape but nothing but heavy breaths coming out.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." He sassed, Louis put his hand on my jaw to shut it.

"Lou, h-how? How did you get here? When did you wake up? Did the hospital call me." I was confused, I picked um my silver Iphone6 and checked for miss calls or texts.

Lou grabbed my hand and put down the phone and said, "Boobear calm down, This might be weird to say, but this is a dream." He said quite bluntly

"A dream? Wait are you dying and visiting me one last time like that movie we watched on our last date?" I said.

"No, babe I'm fine I'm sleeping at the hospital. I just need to tell you something. Okay so just Listen." I was quick to nod my head.

"I'm never waking up. ever. Your waiting for some miracle to happen, but I just know, I'm never going to be strong enough to do so. Babe, I actually can't believe I'm saying this but, move on. I know you fancy Zayn, boo it's OK. Just let go."

"LOU!" I screeched as the morning air hit my face.

"Harry, it's ok, what happened, it's just a dream bab- I mean hazza." Zayn stuttered.

"Louis came to me in a dream, telling me something to hard to believe." I choked a sob.

"What did he say?" Zayn tilted his head just like Louis use to do.

"He said he's never waking up, and that I should get my life back on track." I stared at him not wanting to tell him my feelings.

"Oh." Zayn said peering at his olive skin on his hands.

I don't know, if me and Zayn are meant to be. I don't want to mess up a friendship, but again I asked Louis out and we were in love. But me and Zayn aren't in love, are we?


End Of Chapter 2.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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